forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Anemone eco

@AtlasDefeated I'm sorry you're feeling like this, and in case you ever do wish to talk about it, I'm here.

@AsyTheDumbassUnderneath Wanna talk about it? I'm here if you do. :)


@AsyTheDumbassUnderneath Wanna talk about it? I'm here if you do. :)

It's just something I do every once in a while, I'm as okay as I can be

Deleted user

@AtlasDefeated I'm sorry you're feeling like this, and in case you ever do wish to talk about it, I'm here.

thank you good sir but i dont know how to say how i feel without sounding like im looking for attention

let's just say that's it's taking a lot of effort from my part on trying to convince myself why going through with my plan is a bad idea

@Anemone eco

Ah, I get that.

Well, let's hope you can convince yourself. If you need any help winning your debate though, lmk.

@Anemone eco


Highly unrelated, but can I just say that I love rain? It's so awesome and soothing. Makes me want to stick my head out of a window. :)

Deleted user

dude, rain is awesome
i also happen to like dark cloudy weather !
ahaha that's a mood


It's our last week of school, we only have three more days including today, I figured the teachers were going to go easy on us
Haha nope
We have to write a 5-paragraph, 200 point essay about a mentor in our life and the effect they've has on us, due tomorrow
Plus the sample essay she gave us is from the point of view of an adult
We're not adults, we're 8th graders
And of course with this teacher our essays have to be super detailed and personal or else you'll get points taken off
I have failed an essay for her before for it not being personal enough
I don't wanna do this

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I'm supposed to be in Algebra, but
a) I'm already repeating it next year because I'm failing and the teacher is bad(sorry Mrs. O)
b) I'm not mentally stable enough
c) I have good momentum going on a fanfic
d) As I was writing this, apparently I'm in extreme pain, too?

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group


Highly unrelated, but can I just say that I love rain? It's so awesome and soothing. Makes me want to stick my head out of a window. :)

Sticking your head out of a window during a rainstorm is the best
Rain in general is the best
Especially when it was just sweltering, then clouds roll over and you know what's coming.

Is it weird that when it rains, what I like to do is climb the Japanese maple in our front yard and sing, because everybody's inside and nobody's around to hear me?


you ever just see a drawing with surprising amounts of detail but then die inside once you realize someone likely spent days of their life that they can never get back carefully drawing trans nekomimi hitler

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Y'all are doing school and I'm just out here crocheting and watching old studio c videos


I'm supposed to be doing school, but instead I'm writing fanfic and listening to One Piece music while occasionally getting hit in the feels when a certain song comes on

Deleted user

Hey, hey, I got an exstenstion to the math problem that gave me a breakdown
I have till the end of the week


Y'all are doing school and I'm just out here crocheting and watching old studio c videos


I'm supposed to be doing school, but instead I'm writing fanfic and listening to One Piece music while occasionally getting hit in the feels when a certain song comes on

I have a 5 paragraph, 200 point, very detailed and personal essay due tomorrow
Like why tomorrow???

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

you ever just see a drawing with surprising amounts of detail but then die inside once you realize someone likely spent days of their life that they can never get back carefully drawing trans nekomimi hitler

Me scrolling through my YouTube feed and wondering why somebody would play the Harry Potter theme on calculators

@Pickles group


Highly unrelated, but can I just say that I love rain? It's so awesome and soothing. Makes me want to stick my head out of a window. :)

Sticking your head out of a window during a rainstorm is the best
Rain in general is the best
Especially when it was just sweltering, then clouds roll over and you know what's coming.

Is it weird that when it rains, what I like to do is climb the Japanese maple in our front yard and sing, because everybody's inside and nobody's around to hear me?

That sounds so nice

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group


Highly unrelated, but can I just say that I love rain? It's so awesome and soothing. Makes me want to stick my head out of a window. :)

Sticking your head out of a window during a rainstorm is the best
Rain in general is the best
Especially when it was just sweltering, then clouds roll over and you know what's coming.

Is it weird that when it rains, what I like to do is climb the Japanese maple in our front yard and sing, because everybody's inside and nobody's around to hear me?

That sounds so nice

The best part is that even if somebody could hear me, there's a pretty slim chance they'd know what I'm singing because they'd either have to watch One Piece or know Japanese

@Pickles group


Highly unrelated, but can I just say that I love rain? It's so awesome and soothing. Makes me want to stick my head out of a window. :)

Sticking your head out of a window during a rainstorm is the best
Rain in general is the best
Especially when it was just sweltering, then clouds roll over and you know what's coming.

Is it weird that when it rains, what I like to do is climb the Japanese maple in our front yard and sing, because everybody's inside and nobody's around to hear me?

That sounds so nice

The best part is that even if somebody could hear me, there's a pretty slim chance they'd know what I'm singing because they'd either have to watch One Piece or know Japanese

I would totally do that if I would be allowed and had a big enough tree