forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Kie group

Anyways I'm starting to miss editing with all this talk about it. I never made anything cursed but skjdfgn I just want it to be summer so I can begin to make weird collages :(


Yes. (I deleted my reply cuz I was gunna quote your creation to make it more clear, but yes, I feel like I've met your creation)


Lol, well I don't remember actually seeing it anywhere, but if I had to assign a personality to it along with the feeling of familiarity, yeah I'd say it had chill vibes.

@Kie group

I'm about to put on a different jacket then add a clip to my hair so I can feel even more like Coraline than I already do right now.

@Anemone eco

Lol, well I don't remember actually seeing it anywhere, but if I had to assign a personality to it along with the feeling of familiarity, yeah I'd say it had chill vibes.


@Anemone eco

I'm about to put on a different jacket then add a clip to my hair so I can feel even more like Coraline than I already do right now.

Ooh, I loved Coraline!


So uhm, I hate to interrupt y'all, but…I've finally figured out my sexuality? I've been questioning for like…two years now, and I'm pretty sure (based on my current knowledge and such) that I'm Pan? So. Yeah. There's that information. Idk why it took me so long to figure out, but for a long time all I've known is that I'm not straight lmao
So I'm happy that I actually know what I am now :)

@Pickles group

Well the tears finally came out. In front of my family. In an overreaction about a dropped piece of cake. And now I feel terrible about myself.

@Kie group

I'm about to put on a different jacket then add a clip to my hair so I can feel even more like Coraline than I already do right now.

Ooh, I loved Coraline!

I still love Coraline. The deed has been done. It's only my socks that originally enforced the feeling but adding the little touches helped uvu


Well the tears finally came out. In front of my family. In an overreaction about a dropped piece of cake. And now I feel terrible about myself.

Oh no, Pickles! That doesn't sound fun, I'm sorry :(

@Pickles group

So uhm, I hate to interrupt y'all, but…I've finally figured out my sexuality? I've been questioning for like…two years now, and I'm pretty sure (based on my current knowledge and such) that I'm Pan? So. Yeah. There's that information. Idk why it took me so long to figure out, but for a long time all I've known is that I'm not straight lmao
So I'm happy that I actually know what I am now :)

Nice you Victor loving scum



Cool! I just wanted to make sure I didn't misgender you or anything in the future

:) Thanks! Which do you use? I'm pretty sure that I've seen you being referred to with female pronouns but I wanna doublecheck now