forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Reed, if you go, how am I supposed to stay alive? I couldn't.


nothing greater than the feeling of spending ages carefully rendering an art only to get halfway through and realize it looks so much worse than your last one and you haven't improved at all within the past three months, before then realizing that this is the only thing you can do, this is the one redeeming quality you have left, you're an artist, you're supposed to be good at art, but you can't even do that. just look at this shit
you're entirely limited to what references you have and what you can see, you have no creativity, style, or anything to add to the picture, and yet you're trying to sell this for actual money as if it has any worth at all
you're nothing more than a 240 by 240p jpeg copying machine that takes an entire fucking month to load and eats up three different inks in the process

Deleted user

Reed, if you go, how am I supposed to stay alive? I couldn't.

That, my dear, is what I wouold be avoiding when I die

Deleted user

Reed, if you go, how am I supposed to stay alive? I couldn't.

That, my dear, is what I wouold be avoiding when I die

I'm trying so damn hard, Reed. You have to try too.
You just have to.

Deleted user

Reed, if you go, how am I supposed to stay alive? I couldn't.

That, my dear, is what I wouold be avoiding when I die

I'm trying so damn hard, Reed. You have to try too.
You just have to.

I have.
It's just… not enough.
I'm so tired.

Deleted user

Reed, if you go, how am I supposed to stay alive? I couldn't.

That, my dear, is what I wouold be avoiding when I die

I'm trying so damn hard, Reed. You have to try too.
You just have to.

I have.
It's just… not enough.
I'm so tired.

Well, keep fucking trying.
If you're tired, you rest and take a break. You get help.

Deleted user

I've really come to like you Miriam
You can't just leave
I guess if you really had to go and there was no other choice I can't really stop you, but i dont think notebook would be the same without you
You bring a lot of happiness and chaos to the place
I feel that if you left things would be a little…dead.
But hey, I'll respect your choice, just know that I'm really, really going to miss you

@HighPockets group

I've really come to like you Miriam
You can't just leave
I guess if you really had to go and there was no other choice I can't really stop you, but i dont think notebook would be the same without you
You bring a lot of happiness and chaos to the place
I feel that if you left things would be a little…dead.
But hey, I'll respect your choice, just know that I'm really, really going to miss you

My same thoughts <3

Deleted user

Here's what I told Eva:

When we get out of quarantine, I need to live a life other than behind a screen. This is so cliche lmao, but I'm not going to be a teenager forever. I want to go out and meet new people and go shopping and go to parties and be with my irl friends. I don't want to just have this site anymore, you know? I don't want to be here while everyone else is out living actual lives. I want that. And it's something I can easily achieve.

I want to leave for me. So I can live the life I want. I promise I'll say goodbye.

Deleted user

Yeah, no, you're absolutely right
At some point we're all going to have to do the same and when that time comes it's going to be really sad
But what you said actually makes me really happy, because you're trying to make yourself happy and if that isn't the best thing you can do for yourself, then I don't know what is <3
Just stay safe and take care of yourself, we'll miss you a lot ❤❤

Deleted user

Hey, we have until quarantine is over!

That's true !

but imma cri some real tears when it's time to say goodbye

@HighPockets group

Hey, we have until quarantine is over!

That's true !

but imma cri some real tears when it's time to say goodbye

Same, you better keep in touch with me, you ho <3

@Anemone eco

Hey, we have until quarantine is over!

That's true !

but imma cri some real tears when it's time to say goodbye

You tellin' me I'm the only one crying now? I guess I'm overly emotional lmao.

@Pickles group

Hey, we have until quarantine is over!

That's true !

but imma cri some real tears when it's time to say goodbye

You tellin' me I'm the only one crying now? I guess I'm overly emotional lmao.

well I'm not crying, but I've been shaking with a lump on my throat for about half an hour. The crying will come later tonight when it's dark and I can't crochet my sad away

Deleted user

Hey, we have until quarantine is over!

That's true !

but imma cri some real tears when it's time to say goodbye

You tellin' me I'm the only one crying now? I guess I'm overly emotional lmao.

im not crying, my eyes are just sweating >:[

Deleted user

Hey, we have until quarantine is over!

That's true !

but imma cri some real tears when it's time to say goodbye

You tellin' me I'm the only one crying now? I guess I'm overly emotional lmao.

im not crying, my eyes are just sweating >:[

Pffft. Don't be dramatic.
<3 And don't make me have second thoughts or I'll be mad >:(

Deleted user

Hey, maybe we'll see you around Vilseck. I plan to do my fair share of travelling ;)

I hope I do.

Deleted user

I've given up on your letter, I think it got lost. When are you leaving for your trip? Think I have enough time to send one your way before you go?