forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Also the conversation thingy for number 7….what??

If you scroll down to definition No. 7 for "Owen" it's just whack.

@HighPockets group

I'm pretty sure that Urban Dictionary is blocked on my computer, but if someone pastes in the results for mine I'll love you forever <3

@Pickles group

Jyn is an amazing person who has the intelligence of… someone great… she resembles a strawberry and has great life skills. She is just an amazing person who is swag
Jyn is great
by jynisthebest December 23, 2017 lmao

Eva is an amazing person. Somone you can talk to and trust. Really beautiful has an amazing body. Has an amazing personality. She is good at singing. Also funny and fun to be around. She is loyal to people and won't back stab you. You are really lucky if you have an Eva in your life epically if you are dating her. If you have an Eva in your life DON'T EVER LOSE HER.
Your dating Eva lucky u.

Deleted user

lmao my “Emily” is super specific but it’s super true

I looked it up downstairs so I don’t have the definition

Deleted user

freezie pops are underrated

especially the ones that you push up and enjoy

@Anemone eco

"Maya is one hell of a person. She might seem quite at first, but once you get to know her, she is loud and funny. She loves family and friends. A Maya can be annoying at times if she's in that mood. She's really really smart, whenever she ain't lazy. You might see Maya outside, with her friends, online, or playing the game. Unlike other girls, she is different and will stand out compare to most people. Mainly because of her beauty and voice. And be careful, she has an evil side….. Maya's have a weird taste in music, a good sense in swag, and true friends. She isn't interested in every guy she sees, but when she is, she won't stop thinking of him. Can be insecure at times. In the end, she is fun-loving, laid back and a cool girl."

"That girl is Beautiful, it must be Maya"

@Anemone eco

Pretty much every definition for "Zach" were good things, excluding the few mentions of possibilities of being an ass at times or just kinda distant.

It seems like most of the people who wrote these are either in a relationship with/in love with/or are friends with a Zach.

@Kie group

I need to sneak on my phone and check my name in urban dictionary. I know I've read it before but I honestly don't remember what it said.


Half the ones for Ella were “kind, smol, artistic bean who spends all day daydreaming, singing, and thinking about how much she loves her friends, easily hurt but can always bounce back and a true great friend to have <3”
while the rest of them were “She’s a total lying manipulative bitch but is still loved by everyone including me because of her maaaaassssivvveeee boobs

Oh and apparently a lesbian Ella out there somewhere is in a fluffy relationship with someone named Kaitlyn and they keep submitting cute things about each other to urban dictionary in hopes of the other finding it
I ship

@Pickles group

Except for the lying manipulative bitch part, I mean… except we don't love you for your "massive boobs" because you have a personality and we aren't total assholes

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Oh and apparently a lesbian Ella out there somewhere is in a fluffy relationship with someone named Kaitlyn and they keep submitting cute things about each other to urban dictionary in hopes of the other finding it
I ship

That is so cute and would also make a great OTP prompt

Deleted user

So i may or may not have a huge ass crush, BUT, she doesn't see me that way, and i've been showing clues as to who likes her so much. and she still believes its HER crush..and not me. So im just about either to :
1) Tell her straight up that it's me
2) have one of my close friends help me find another way to tell her

Deleted user

Tell her straight up

Cus you know, that’s how i wind up in most good situations

Deleted user

Pickles, look up your first name on urban dictionary
I feel the fourth one is most accurate