forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

No that doesn't sound okay. That sounds like you are struggling.
You know It's alright to not be Okay sometimes, that's called being human, and being flawed and being a real person. Nothing is wrong with you if you don't feel okay. You're not Broken, you're not going to feel this way forever even if it feel's like it. You're just not okay right now, and that's okay. Just understand that you are cared for, people care about you, you have value.

Thanks… I think…
Honestly I really just want some advice. With quarantine and everything, and also my mom, I'm kinda feeling isolated. I can't talk to my IRL friends about this shit, and I can't vent on notebook all the time (Which is why this waited over a week).
I just don't know anymore.

@Pickles group

My cat: let me in the bathroom
Me: ugh fine but you better not want out in twenty seconds
My cat: licks the toilet, licks my thigh, jumps up on the back of the toilet to grab my head, hold it still, and eat my hair, licks my shoulder

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I decided that I have an absurd amount of One Piece OCs piled up, so I'm making a quiz with them
Debating whether or not to add pixel art, because I haven't even drawn all of them, and my main one is constantly changing


Do yall ever get scared of summer, because I almost always feel like there is someone/something waiting in either the forest near my house or in my house, and I feel like it intensifies in the summer

@Pickles group

Went to pick up my stuff from school and they gave me a flag, thank gosh I missed punching things into the air


you ever just look up your name on urban dictionary, you know, for the laughs
only to end up crying after the first page cause it’s all just disgustingly kind sweet happy loving stuff that I didn’t know I needed rn-


Wow I'm slow this morning. I put some dirty laundry in the pile, no biggy, right? Well my father asked me what I put in the pile, and I responded with "towels for my bed" because I forgot the word "blanket".
And then when I went to go throw some trash into the garbage can, I threw it in the place the can used to be 6 months ago.

Deleted user

Apparently Emi-girls are short, and I don't agree.

I'm not short