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@Anemone eco

Someone look up ‘Mackenzie’ for me
Urban dictionary is blocked on my thing
And I’m intrigued

"A beautiful girl who has overcome much in her life and is wise beyond her years. She is very calm in difficult situations, similar to Dumbledore. She is a great friend because she always knows what to say, will comfort you, cry with you, laugh with you, and play with you. She has eyes like no other and a smile that will light up the room. She is funny, crazy, and witty, social, very athletic and talented. She is someone you will want to keep around and love for a very long time."

"Girl: Mackenzie and I have been friends only for 2 years, it feels like a lifetime, I love her with all my heart."

"Guy: ya she's just one of those kinda people."

Deleted user

So I texted her and she sent me the surprised emojis and just laughed. I'm trying to tell her it's not a joke, But it's not working . She told her crush that she liked her. and They were dating. so it was practically pointless for me to have even like her. But hopefully, i can find a good girlfriend.


Someone look up ‘Mackenzie’ for me
Urban dictionary is blocked on my thing
And I’m intrigued

(Copy/pasted the first 3, subbed to make it take up less space)



A beautiful girl who has overcome much in her life and is wise beyond her years. She is very calm in difficult situations, similar to Dumbledore. She is a great friend because she always knows what to say, will comfort you, cry with you, laugh with you, and play with you. She has eyes like no other and a smile that will light up the room. She is funny, crazy, and witty, social, very athletic and talented. She is someone you will want to keep around and love for a very long time.

Girl: Mackenzie and I have been friends only for 2 years, it feels like a lifetime, I love her with all my heart.

Guy: ya she's just one of those kinda people



Mackenzie may also be known as Kenzie. Everyone knows her. She's friends with everyone from the popular group to pretty much the bottom. She knows everyone and makes friends easily. She also keeps those friends no matter what. She always has that one best friend. She has other best friends but this one's different. She makes all the guys fall in love and all the girls jealous. She's gorgeous in every single way. She's nice, sweet, funny, and just perfect. She's wonderful inside and out. But she does have secrets. Everyone thinks she's a happy, perky girl but truly, she's breaking. She's not sure why though. She has all she needs in life except for maybe that perfect boyfriend. But she has no reason to be upset. She's the last girl you would expect to even think of suicide, but it's crossed her mind. If you ever come across a Mackenzie, be sure to keep her. Maybe, along the way, she'll break and you'll be the one to pick up the peices.

Girl 1: Omg there's Mackenzie! Isn't she gorgeous!

Girl 2: I want to be her!

Boy 1: Dude! Mackenzie is hott!! I wish every girl was like her.

Boy 2: Aye back off! I called dibs!



Honestly, a Mackenzie is the most amazing person you will ever be able to meet. A Mackenzie is beautiful, amazing, kind, a little klutzy at times, cute, sweet, thoughtful and, no doubt, very friendly. A Mackenzie is somebody known to have a lot of friends and a person with a lot of talent. She is fun, caring and will always have a good time. If you ever meet a Mackenzie, be careful because she might steal your heart because the very first time you see her you will realize that she's the most gorgeous girl in the world.

Guy - Who was that girl you were with?

Guy 2 - That's my girlfriend, Mackenzie.

Guy - Wow! You're lucky!

Guy 2 - I know. Isn't she amazing?

Guy - Yea, very.

@Anemone eco

If someone could try searching Josephyne or Kie on Urban Dictionary that'd be great.


"A really nice girl, she will always be there for you, if you ever meet a Josephyne don’t let her go, she’s better than a Josephine tho and she loves Dr Pepper, somebody give her Dr Pepper!"

"Guy 1: Are you going to invite Josephyne to the party?"
"Guy 2: Yeah, she’s so cool"

"Kie is a glamour girl . Girls who are named Kie do makeup & hair really well & always gets compliments on them. She is fun & outgoing. A true socialite who's kind & giving heart wins over the souls of others . Boys fall at her feet when they see her . She's a queen"

"I saw Kie at the mall and her makeup was POPPING!!!!"


"A beautiful girl who has overcome much in her life and is wise beyond her years. She is very calm in difficult situations, similar to Dumbledore.


She is a great friend

Not sure

because she always knows what to say


, will comfort you, cry with you, laugh with you, and play with you.


She has eyes like no other and a smile that will light up the room.

I’m the most annoying person

She is funny, crazy, and witty

I am crazy yes

, social, very athletic and talented

Haha NO

. She is someone you will want to keep around and love for a very long time."


"Girl: Mackenzie and I have been friends only for 2 years, it feels like a lifetime, I love her with all my heart."

I mean I knew someone for 5 months and trusted them with my deepest secrets. So I guess?

"Guy: ya she's just one of those kinda people."

The annoying time

Thus my Answers

Deleted user

Oh, ouch. That sucks. I wish you better luck in the future, dude.


Deleted user

Can Someone search up mine? please? it's blocked for me.


Well, thanks to Urban Dictionary, I have been reminded that Red isn't a common name and the most famous bearer of the name "Red" is a goddamn Pokémon trainer

@Kie group


"A really nice girl, she will always be there for you, if you ever meet a Josephyne don’t let her go, she’s better than a Josephine tho and she loves Dr Pepper, somebody give her Dr Pepper!"

"Guy 1: Are you going to invite Josephyne to the party?"
"Guy 2: Yeah, she’s so cool"

My friends definitely appreciate having me around but I would gladly sacrifice someone for a Pepsi rather than a Dr Pepper. DP doesn't taste right if you don't drink it right away.

"Kie is a glamour girl . Girls who are named Kie do makeup & hair really well & always gets compliments on them. She is fun & outgoing. A true socialite who's kind & giving heart wins over the souls of others . Boys fall at her feet when they see her . She's a queen"

"I saw Kie at the mall and her makeup was POPPING!!!!"

Is this an omen for me to actually do my makeup since half of everyone I know just commonly calls me Kie at this point??? IDK about giving heart or boys falling at my feet tho

@Pickles group


I'm pretty sure the names on urban dictionary are made by people that want to brag about themselves and hope that their crush or whoever tf sees it and thinks they're desirable.



I'm pretty sure the names on urban dictionary are made by people that want to brag about themselves and hope that their crush or whoever tf sees it and thinks they're desirable.

Ok but someday I’m gonna make a definition Dissing myself


There are plenty of disses once you’ve gone through like 20 pages which I definitely did not do because I definitely have many life and would never waste that much time on this, noo not at all

@Kie group

There's probably only the one definition for Josephyne so I might ask people I know to give definitions of me. They'll be interesting to say the least.

Deleted user

Can Someone search one up for mine? Please? I promise to do something in return.

@Anemone eco


"Lizzy,a beautiful person she always is saying she’s fat,ugly,and unattractive but on the inside and outside she is the most Beautiful,caring,loving, and funniest person you’ll ever meet there are no words to describe how beautiful she is,she makes the funniest jokes. She could make a joke out of litterally thin air. She always helps people whenever someone is in need she’s always there to help. Never thinks about herself because she always thinks about how it would be to be in their shoes. She will indeed be fucked over many, many times but she always moves past it an doesn’t let it bother her.So my point is, find a Lizzy and when you do never Ever! Let her go <3"

'“I love Lizzy” “Lizzy is so beautiful” “have you met Lizzy?”'