forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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The weirdest girl ever. She's clumsy yet hot, shy, but when with friends extremely loud, really vulgar but super classy, and hates being called her full name.
Dude, what's up with that Maddie chick?

I don't know but I like her.

A girl who acts shy in front of adults but crazy with her friends. She defends anything she loves. She is very protective of her friends, and sometimes can act a bit mature, but will be silly instantly.
She isn't one to follow the crowd, and likes to stick out with her friends.
Madeline usually loves music, and gets excited over little things.
She doesn't like it much when her name is pronounced wrong, but doesn't speak up most of the time to tell hem wrong. She usually goes by the nickname Maddie, Maddy, or Madi.
"Who is that crazy girl over there?"

"Oh, that's Madeline."

Deleted user

Y o u r
N a m e
I s
M a d e l i n e?
I'm literally in love with that name

Deleted user

Y o u r
N a m e
I s
M a d e l i n e?
I'm literally in love with that name

What did you think Maddie was short for?


@Anemone eco

Sure, what are they?

Samantha Janelle


The most beautiful girl in the world. She is trustworthy , kind, gorgeous and makes the best friend. She is so compassionate of others feelings and would never do anything to hurt others She is drop-dead gorgeous, but not conceited. She usually has long brown silky hair and big beautiful warm brown eyes. Her looks match her personality….she is so magnetic!

She is in great shape and always put together perfectly! She is so compassionate to others and always tries to make someone smile. She is a genuinely sweet girl who never talks bad about anyone. Anyone who speaks bad of a Samantha is usually just jealous of her because she has everything they want but don't have!

Samantha's are extremely confident and can stand on their own. They light up a room by simply walking in. They always make others feel good. They are immune to negativity so haters, don't waste your energy on Samantha…her self-esteem will always outshine you!

Samantha's are highly intelligent and will accomplish so much in life! They will be very successful in anything they do. That is because they have priorities in life and know what's important. They put education first, because that is what makes you a better person.

Samantha's make the best friends, girlfriends and family! If you're friends with a Samantha in life ,you should consider yourself very very lucky. Samantha is the sweetest kindest and most beautiful person you will ever know.
Wow what confidence, that girl is such a Samantha!
She is such a success, she must be a Samantha.
Look at that Samantha, she is the most beautiful girl in the world.
She is so compassionate…the world to be a better place with more Samantha's!


Janelle is the most beautiful person you will ever meet. Janelle has a great personality she is caring thoughtful and so much more. Janelle is also the funniest person you'll ever meet she will make you laugh when your in a bad mood. She dosen't care what people think about her. She is nice but if you get on her bad side she can be hecka mean. Janelle is always there for you she always has your back if you got hers.

@Pickles group

Y o u r
N a m e
I s
M a d e l i n e?
I'm literally in love with that name

What did you think Maddie was short for?


Oh I forgot that was a name


The weirdest girl ever. She's clumsy yet hot, shy, but when with friends extremely loud, really vulgar but super classy, and hates being called her full name.
Dude, what's up with that Maddie chick?

I don't know but I like her.

A girl who acts shy in front of adults but crazy with her friends. She defends anything she loves. She is very protective of her friends, and sometimes can act a bit mature, but will be silly instantly.
She isn't one to follow the crowd, and likes to stick out with her friends.
Madeline usually loves music, and gets excited over little things.
She doesn't like it much when her name is pronounced wrong, but doesn't speak up most of the time to tell hem wrong. She usually goes by the nickname Maddie, Maddy, or Madi.
"Who is that crazy girl over there?"

"Oh, that's Madeline."

These are like, sorta kinda accurate


okay but Madeline is like the prettiest fecking name ever
i am jealous
i would say i’d name my future daughter after you but unfortunately my mom doesn’t like it when people give names like that to their dogs

@Pickles group

okay but Madeline is like the prettiest fecking name
i am jealous
i would say i’d name my future daughter that but unfortunately my mom doesn’t like it when people give pretty names like that to their dogs



It's alright
Like, the thing is, my middle name doesn't sound good with Maddie
Sounds Hella southern
Only sounds nice with Madeline

@The-Magician group

Sure, what are they?

Samantha Janelle


The most beautiful girl in the world. She is trustworthy , kind, gorgeous and makes the best friend. She is so compassionate of others feelings and would never do anything to hurt others She is drop-dead gorgeous, but not conceited. She usually has long brown silky hair and big beautiful warm brown eyes. Her looks match her personality….she is so magnetic!

She is in great shape and always put together perfectly! She is so compassionate to others and always tries to make someone smile. She is a genuinely sweet girl who never talks bad about anyone. Anyone who speaks bad of a Samantha is usually just jealous of her because she has everything they want but don't have!

Samantha's are extremely confident and can stand on their own. They light up a room by simply walking in. They always make others feel good. They are immune to negativity so haters, don't waste your energy on Samantha…her self-esteem will always outshine you!

Samantha's are highly intelligent and will accomplish so much in life! They will be very successful in anything they do. That is because they have priorities in life and know what's important. They put education first, because that is what makes you a better person.

Samantha's make the best friends, girlfriends and family! If you're friends with a Samantha in life ,you should consider yourself very very lucky. Samantha is the sweetest kindest and most beautiful person you will ever know.
Wow what confidence, that girl is such a Samantha!
She is such a success, she must be a Samantha.
Look at that Samantha, she is the most beautiful girl in the world.
She is so compassionate…the world to be a better place with more Samantha's!


Janelle is the most beautiful person you will ever meet. Janelle has a great personality she is caring thoughtful and so much more. Janelle is also the funniest person you'll ever meet she will make you laugh when your in a bad mood. She dosen't care what people think about her. She is nice but if you get on her bad side she can be hecka mean. Janelle is always there for you she always has your back if you got hers.

Gods almighty that’s a lot.. and I don’t think any of it is true

@Anemone eco


A beautiful woman with a passionate heart. Longs to be seen and understood. Loves like no other with a pure heart. Thinks like a Brohoe, can easily be around guys. Not afraid to speak her mind when she knows what's right. Faced trials that made her a woman of beauty, love, strength, humble, courage and a woman of faith. A woman behind a blooming flower, the most beautiful flower hidden in midst of a dark forest. A delicate flower that is worth keeping forever.

"I want to have Louise as my bride"

"You are the Louise of my life"

@Anemone eco


Lou’s, are kindest people- they will always be there for you no matter the situation. Lou’s are intelligent beyond their years and will always offer help and their intelligent to those around them. Loving and caring Lou will always be there to pick you up and make you smile with brilliant hugs. Lou’s are the best people.

“Wow Lou is so caring!”
“I love Lou”

Deleted user

Me: I haven't listened to this Chase Atlantic song in a while, I should play it again…
Me two seconds into the song: look what happened, I don't feed
her fear, I fear her habits


My middle name is Jane if anyone cares by the way lol
Maddie Jane is hella southern
Madeline Jane is cool 👌👌

@The-Magician group

My middle name is Jane if anyone cares by the way lol
Maddie Jane is hella southern
Madeline Jane is cool 👌👌

That’s pretty cool!
My name sounds odd when you put it together

@Anemone eco


Although a small innocent creature, Jane is a fun packed little bundle of fun! She is the sweetest thing you will ever find and she is definitely one of a kind! Jane is really easy to get along with and when friends with her, you just don't want to let go of her! If anyone can bring out a smile, it is Jane! If your name is Jane, consider it an honour, because you will achieve alot in life and make alot of people happy! Even though Jane is small, her beautiful face and amazing personality makes size not count. Always up for a dirty talk, Jane is sure to send you away with great memories!

Jane's Dirty Talk: I'm Wild!

@Anemone eco

My middle name is Jane if anyone cares by the way lol
Maddie Jane is hella southern
Madeline Jane is cool 👌👌

That’s pretty cool!
My name sounds odd when you put it together

Mine does too. My first name just feels kinda off next to my middle name.