forum Out of Context
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@GameMaster group

The Land Lady?
Also it's not if I remember correctly, and you can get it on a lot of sites

Yep, you got it right, I love you now. Too late to stop it. The love is coming for you.

Have you seen the movie thing they did? Man, that story fracked seventh grade me up

I actually haven't seen any movie. I just love the story. Have you read the lottery or seen the lottery play? It scarred me a lot more.

@GameMaster group

It's so good but incredibly messed up. I love it. We did the play at theater camp and you could hear the audience gasping quietly at the end.


As God said in the Bible, The, eh, 11th Commandment; "anime bad. very very bad. uwu"

I believe the original texts said "owo"

There might have been a mistranslation from the original Aramaic.

@Knight-Shives group

Two friends were over for a sleepover. One decided to not get changed in the bathroom but right in front of us. Then started dancing and came over to sit on me…