forum Out of Context
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Knight-Shives group

"Don't you dare try scaring me. I am reading and you WILL end up with a book in your face."
"I wasn't threatening him… I was warning him. Because I promise the book would hit him. natural reflexes and stuff."

Deleted user

"That's an asston of blood."

"God and His Holy Hoo-Hahs."

I need context for both of these. Now.

@HighPockets group

"That's an asston of blood."

"God and His Holy Hoo-Hahs."

I need context for both of these. Now.

Both are from my director for Henry V. The first was about the murder of the boys at the Battle of Agincourt to help paint the picture of what happened for the two actors discussing it.
The second was a paraphrase of a line that the Archbishop of Canterbury has so we could get to the next scene.

@HighPockets group

"Yeah, I'm just lathering up with this baby oil…."

"Please do not clap with your hands under your cape, it looks like….something else…"

"Yeah, Titus Andronicus was a bit of a handful."

@Knight-Shives group

"You don't ever have to decide. You will just know and learn it about yourself. It doesn't matter who you like, what type of person you like, of if you don't like anyone at all. You will know in your own time. Not on some set timeline and specific time."

Deleted user

Yeah baby boi can be a real bitch but we love stinky rat bastard man sooooo… Yes, the cane sugar?

(This was in a chat with a friendo on Tumblr about a fanfic, just…. don't even ask. Don't ask about the sugar or rat man will devour your eyebrows.)