forum Out of Context
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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It was a tall, proud city, built on rocks stronger than oceans; windswept, God blessed, and teaming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace


1)It's been a live, laugh, toaster bath kind of day
2)It is not political, it is only bread
3)When God judges man for his sins, will I not be rewarded for making him blush?


I am your mother nature. Don’t think about it for too long, it gets weird.

It came from innocent butterfly catching and gayness and puppet shows and teatime to…. kidnapping and murder attempts

…Can I be the fresh-out-of-jail uncle?

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Dead. She hella dead. She might as well be grounded up and turned into spam. She's just over. Obliterated. Dead as fuck. You can't even identify her body if you wanted to. It's not there. Ashes. Ashes. Dust to dust. Blow her away. She gone. Sorry.

Diagnostically ashy. Chronologically in need of Vaseline.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Dead. She hella dead. She might as well be grounded up and turned into spam. She's just over. Obliterated. Dead as fuck. You can't even identify her body if you wanted to. It's not there. Ashes. Ashes. Dust to dust. Blow her away. She gone. Sorry.

Diagnostically ashy. Chronologically in need of Vaseline.

@gay_corgi group

I have a book full of things specifically for this that my friends and classmates have said, so here are some of my favorites:

"It was just bone. No meat, no blood, no nothing. Just bone."

"I had 2 fish. They ate each other."

"You're literally eating styrofoam."

"Don't eat the snails."

"The other state in China is, I believe, Taylor Swift."

"[Name] is just having visions again."

"Please try not to murder all of your classmates with scissors."

"It's only a felony if I get caught."

"Anyone want this hard boiled egg? I only eat them for the shells."


"Sir, It's not my fault the woman was there, it was her. She chose to be in my range!"

I will not explain I will let your minds grow wild trying to figure this out. I'm an evil 15 year old


Man, he's so sexist he looped around and became gay

"I'd fuck my own clone" "I'd fuck your clone too … I wouldn't fuck you though"

It's a one way ticket to hell and we bought it with miles so there's no refund