forum Out of Context
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Pickles group

The dad: this hat belonged to someone named Claire
5yo: where did we get it?
Dad: I don't know where it came from
5yo: China?!
Dad: uhh probably originally
(It was-they looked)

Dad: there's a lot of people in China
5yo: how many? Like EIGHTEEN?!
Dad: that times…18 thousand

@Pickles group

Me: well we've babysat her before
Dad: would you trust the girls in the back with your life?
5yo: frantically shakes head no
Me: :(

Dad: do you believe it was her that did that?
5yo: smacks dad's butt and starts to hit at his legs no

Deleted user

Mom: And here I am, standing in a bush!
Me: That’s not a bush. You can’t just say that everything is a bush!
Mom: Well I said that it is a bush so now it is a bush!

@HighPockets group

“If I lost all my teeth in my bed, it would be bad and there would be blood and that would be hurt a lot”

But you'd get a crap ton of money from the bone fae