forum It's about time for America to fall. Who agrees? Who disagrees? Why?
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

people_alt 53 followers

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Eris whooping in with more science and medical terminology-

After a woman experiences a miscarriage she should immediately go to a hospital to get checked for further hemorrhaging and to have the rest of the pregnancy expunged so that there is no infection and/or life threatening issues.

This procedure is an abortion.

If these bills pass there is a chance that women that are going through a terrible ordeal would have to go without proper medical care.

Sometimes all the time it's not about the fetus and/or the child that it may grow into. Sometimes it's really about making sure that women get the healthcare that they need because at the end of the day, yes we do need special care that is different from men.

Deleted user

This is all I have to say on the matter. Thank you.

Deleted user

Any of the ones that would ban abortion? Sorry I thought that was implied

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I come back after 2 days and everything went to shit. Thank you internet, thank you oh so much for this website.

(I'm the person who started this forum. I feel even worse. I'm starting to think about deleting this entire thing.)


Clears throat
There's actually an entire chat devoted to debating, and it has covered this debate. So, if you all want to argue about abortion, maybe take it to a chat devoted to debating? Instead of here.

Deleted user

Well, let's weigh pros and cons on our opinions in a neutral, civilized way then. Okay?

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

I….kinda….like America? I mean, there are things to complain about, sure, but then again, as a person with a fairly happy family, a nice house, a safe city, a job, and little or no issues with mental illness, I feel kinda bad complaining about anything instead of appreciating what I have. This isn't to put anyone else down for discussing the USA's flaws, of course! I just thought I'd help steer this thread back onto its.…. intended course ^^;

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I….kinda….like America? I mean, there are things to complain about, sure, but then again, as a person with a fairly happy family, a nice house, a safe city, a job, and little or no issues with mental illness, I feel kinda bad complaining about anything instead of appreciating what I have. This isn't to put anyone else down for discussing the USA's flaws, of course! I just thought I'd help steer this thread back onto its.…. intended course ^^;

Yeah, I know some people like it. This thread died after a bunch of people decided to take this too seriously and started acting like jerks. I didn't even really think about the thread anymore before my BF ( @TrippingOnStardust ) commented on it again.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

I….kinda….like America? I mean, there are things to complain about, sure, but then again, as a person with a fairly happy family, a nice house, a safe city, a job, and little or no issues with mental illness, I feel kinda bad complaining about anything instead of appreciating what I have. This isn't to put anyone else down for discussing the USA's flaws, of course! I just thought I'd help steer this thread back onto its.…. intended course ^^;

Yeah, I know some people like it. This thread died after a bunch of people decided to take this too seriously and started acting like jerks. I didn't even really think about the thread anymore before my BF ( @TrippingOnStardust ) commented on it again.

Fair enough

@Elder-God-Whisper work

shrugs Why? It been relatively calm since you started it again. There was just issues in the past and I was confident to stand up to the people making my forum into a trash hating/spitting forum.

Deleted user

Anyone wanna talk about Capitalism? I both hate it and am a supporter.

There's no real perfect economic system, so capitalism with guidelines is the best option we got