forum It's about time for America to fall. Who agrees? Who disagrees? Why?
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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Alright, so how many mothers would admit they got raped? Probably not a lot.


I can't believe you just compared people violating another person's body with abortion.

…But aren't they both violating other people's bodies?

@HighPockets group

I can't believe you just compared people violating another person's body with abortion.

…But aren't they both violating other people's bodies?

No. Rape is infinitely worse, they're frankly imcomparable.

@HighPockets group

Sorry for valuing the life of a living, breathing woman over an unborn child. She shouldn't have to face potential financial ruin, the loss of her livelyhood, all respect among her peers, and possibly her home because some man couldn't handle hearing the phrase 'No'.


Sorry for valuing the life of a living child over the immoral choice of some woman who forgot to take her birth control. They shouldn't have to have their life, their future, their one chance for a beautiful existence taken from them all because some woman didn't want to care for a child and couldn't handle the thought of abstinence.

@HighPockets group

If she (or he, or they, but for ease of situation I'm using she/her) says no, has not consented, or is in a situation where she cannot consent (drunk, underage, mentally unstable) or is in a situation where she cannot safely say no, then it is rape.

@HighPockets group

Sorry for valuing the life of a living child over the immoral choice of some woman who forgot to take her birth control. They shouldn't have to have their life, their future, their one chance for a beautiful existence taken from them all because some woman didn't want to care for a child and couldn't handle the thought of abstinence.

It's not that she forgot to take birth control, there's a myriad of other factors at play as well. She could have been raped, have had the condom tear, or anything else, and yet you focus on slutshaming women for not being able to 'handle the thought of abstinence', which shows quite a lot about you. And guess what? Maybe she did want to care for the child, but can't. Maybe she's homeless, in an abusive relationship, has parents who would kick her out for being pregnant, has a mental illness or disorder, cannot provide for a child, has genetic things that could ruin a child's quality of life in the future, etc. This isn't 'oh, those sluts are off having casual sex and *not taking their bIrTh cOnTrOl!!', there's layers that you don't seem to be able to grasp.

Deleted user

I'm sorry, Dom, but are you seriously questioning when a woman is raped?

Fucking WASPs man.

I'm sorry. But that's absurd.

Your arguments are so invalid it's frustrating. You're arguing against rape and abortion, which is going to happen to matter what laws are pressed in. Ella, you don't know what you're talking about when you compare a fetus to a grown woman who has been violated.


Majority of them did. Most mothers don't abort unless they had to or were in a situation,that wouldn't be good for the child. Abortion is for those who CAN'T have the child at that time. That doesn't mean they were in a situation where they could have taken care,of the baby and then just decide not to. That's not what happens.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Majority of them did. Most mothers don't abort unless they had to or were in a situation,that wouldn't be good for the child. Abortion is for those who CAN'T have the child at that time. That doesn't mean they were in a situation where they could have taken care,of the baby and then just decide not to. That's not what happens.

And you know this how???

Deleted user

I'm sorry, Dom, but are you seriously questioning when a woman is raped?

Idk. Explain.


@HighPockets group

Majority of them did. Most mothers don't abort unless they had to or were in a situation,that wouldn't be good for the child. Abortion is for those who CAN'T have the child at that time. That doesn't mean they were in a situation where they could have taken care,of the baby and then just decide not to. That's not what happens.

EXACTLY. A majority of people who consciously choose not to use birth control or condoms want (or are at the very least able to support) a child. People who have abortions have usually been raped, or cannot care for a child at the time. Maybe they're broke, or homeless, or in an abusive family or relationship, or don't have the mental capability to care for a child. Believe it or not, Ella, but women who get abortions aren't just 'dumb sluts who sleep around and don't take birth control' (and even if they are, who cares? Women who enjoy casual sex still have a right to their bodies), they are women who are forced into a situation where they cannot safely have a child. And it's horrible to go through. My church, and many others I've been to, have support groups for women who have had abortions because of how draining and terrible it is to go through.