forum It's about time for America to fall. Who agrees? Who disagrees? Why?
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@HighPockets group

Lol. If a random person tells me she was raped I would not 100% believe. I mean sure, take precautions (find her a safe place to stay etc.) but why would I just believe anyone?

That's a disgusting thing to say. I'm sorry, but the fact that you think like that is horrifying and honestly revolting.


Common sense. The people who want and can be mothers become mothers. And those who can't have to abort if they end up pregnant. It will happen,if abortion is legal or not. So make the conditions safer and stop fighting to put down women. Otherwise fathers also better start paying for the baby from conception even if they don't want the kid.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Majority of them did. Most mothers don't abort unless they had to or were in a situation,that wouldn't be good for the child. Abortion is for those who CAN'T have the child at that time. That doesn't mean they were in a situation where they could have taken care,of the baby and then just decide not to. That's not what happens.

EXACTLY. A majority of people who consciously choose not to use birth control or condoms want (or are at the very least able to support) a child. People who have abortions have usually been raped, or cannot care for a child at the time. Maybe they're broke, or homeless, or in an abusive family or relationship, or don't have the mental capability to care for a child. they are women who are forced into a situation where they cannot safely have a child. And it's horrible to go through.

And you know this how.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Lol. If a random person tells me she was raped I would not 100% believe. I mean sure, take precautions (find her a safe place to stay etc.) but why would I just believe anyone?

That's a disgusting thing to say. I'm sorry, but the fact that you think like that is horrifying and honestly revolting.

Would you rather I blindly trust random people???

Deleted user

Lol. If a random person tells me she was raped I would not 100% believe. I mean sure, take precautions (find her a safe place to stay etc.) but why would I just believe anyone?

That's a disgusting thing to say. I'm sorry, but the fact that you think like that is horrifying and honestly revolting.

Would you rather I blindly trust random people???

Because… omg you're just the type of man I want to avoid.

@HighPockets group

Lol. If a random person tells me she was raped I would not 100% believe. I mean sure, take precautions (find her a safe place to stay etc.) but why would I just believe anyone?

That's a disgusting thing to say. I'm sorry, but the fact that you think like that is horrifying and honestly revolting.

Would you rather I blindly trust random people???

Most women will not lie about being raped.

@HighPockets group

Majority of them did. Most mothers don't abort unless they had to or were in a situation,that wouldn't be good for the child. Abortion is for those who CAN'T have the child at that time. That doesn't mean they were in a situation where they could have taken care,of the baby and then just decide not to. That's not what happens.

EXACTLY. A majority of people who consciously choose not to use birth control or condoms want (or are at the very least able to support) a child. People who have abortions have usually been raped, or cannot care for a child at the time. Maybe they're broke, or homeless, or in an abusive family or relationship, or don't have the mental capability to care for a child. they are women who are forced into a situation where they cannot safely have a child. And it's horrible to go through.

And you know this how.

Common sense, being a woman, not being a SWM butting into a debate about the female body, etc.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Lol. If a random person tells me she was raped I would not 100% believe. I mean sure, take precautions (find her a safe place to stay etc.) but why would I just believe anyone?

That's a disgusting thing to say. I'm sorry, but the fact that you think like that is horrifying and honestly revolting.

Would you rather I blindly trust random people???

Most women will not lie about being raped.

I've seen quite a few.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Lol. If a random person tells me she was raped I would not 100% believe. I mean sure, take precautions (find her a safe place to stay etc.) but why would I just believe anyone?

That's a disgusting thing to say. I'm sorry, but the fact that you think like that is horrifying and honestly revolting.

Would you rather I blindly trust random people???

Because… omg you're just the type of man I want to avoid.

That doesn't make sense??? I mean I'm cool that you don't trust me but that wasn't a rebuttal.


Can we please stop the whole "straight white males can't have opinions unless they agree with me" thing? If we're going to start gatekeeping arguments based on such things then maybe none of us are allowed to have opinions because we haven't been raped, had children, or been aborted in our mother's wombs.

Judge people based on their arguments and intelligence instead, please-

Deleted user

Terrible defense. Claiming it is obvious and that you know because you are a knowledgeable person.

Then how do you know the opposite?

@HighPockets group

What's terrible is that you, a man, are trying to debate two women explaining why women get abortions. Talk about being a knowledgeble person.

Deleted user

Can we please stop the whole "straight white males can't have opinions unless they agree with me" thing? Because if we're going to start gatekeeping arguments based on such things then maybe none of us are allowed to have opinions because we haven't been raped, had children, or been aborted in our mother's wombs.

Sorry, why do you care?

You and Al is literally acting as if he knows SO MUCH about the woman's body, and he clearly doesn't. He's arguing about women's rights, and we have the right to argue back.


Can we please stop the whole "straight white males can't have opinions unless they agree with me" thing? Because if we're going to start gatekeeping arguments based on such things then maybe none of us are allowed to have opinions because we haven't been raped, had children, or been aborted in our mother's wombs.

Sorry, why do you care?

You and Al is literally acting as if he knows SO MUCH about the woman's body, and he clearly doesn't. He's arguing about women's rights, and we have the right to argue back.

You can argue back, but so can we. And maybe YOU don't know much about the baby's body? Does that mean you can't have an opinion?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Can we please stop the whole "straight white males can't have opinions unless they agree with me" thing? Because if we're going to start gatekeeping arguments based on such things then maybe none of us are allowed to have opinions because we haven't been raped, had children, or been aborted in our mother's wombs.

Sorry, why do you care?

You and Al is literally acting as if he knows SO MUCH about the woman's body, and he clearly doesn't. He's arguing about women's rights, and we have the right to argue back.

How have I demonstrated ignorance?

@HighPockets group

It has to do with statistics, not being a woman. Therefore my opinion is still valid.

So in a debate about the female anatomy and women's rights, a man looking up bullshit statistics is more valid than a woman voicing how other women approach the topic?
Sadly, this is how most places treat the debate so I'm disappointed but not surprised

@HighPockets group

Can we please stop the whole "straight white males can't have opinions unless they agree with me" thing? Because if we're going to start gatekeeping arguments based on such things then maybe none of us are allowed to have opinions because we haven't been raped, had children, or been aborted in our mother's wombs.

Sorry, why do you care?

You and Al is literally acting as if he knows SO MUCH about the woman's body, and he clearly doesn't. He's arguing about women's rights, and we have the right to argue back.

How have I demonstrated ignorance?

By refusing to believe what Shade and I say about women's reasonings on abortions and why they get them, saying we're wrong?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It has to do with statistics, not being a woman. Therefore my opinion is still valid.

So in a debate about the female anatomy and women's rights, a man looking up bullshit statistics is more valid than a woman voicing how other women approach the topic?
Sadly, this is how most places treat the debate so I'm disappointed but not surprised

So this is about female anatomy? News to me. I don't see how. And facts matter far more than our opinions. Mine as a man and yours as a woman.


We're not. But we have a better idea as to what a women thinks and her reasoning than you might. Statistics may say one thing, but reality will say another. That's the thing with stats, it only gives you part of the picture.