forum It's about time for America to fall. Who agrees? Who disagrees? Why?
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

people_alt 53 followers

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This is how I think of it:

Nothing is ever going to make everyone happy, so why not make the majority?

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The issue would be getting the majority of Congress to agree with any move. You gotta understand something: certain politicians will vote against a bill simply because a member of a different party voted for it. It is damn near impossible for anything to get through the legislative branch of the government. That's why there are only 27 amendments instead of 227.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

My changes would mostly be in the education and business departments. Along with jailing and public services. My changes in government however could be a bit complicated and if taken too far could turn dystopian or communistic.

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That is the reason why I have no issues with the way the government is run. If things can get taken to far, they will be, so they put rules and checks and balances and shit to keep things like that from happening

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We do the same shit

We see a homeless man on the side of the street and make a point to ignore him, since we either don't believe him or don't want to give any money. US government sees gun violence and ignores it because it is too difficult of a topic to fix in a short period of time

I don't blame 'em

@Elder-God-Whisper work

But it will never be fixed if the problem is ignored. That homeless man (if he is truly homeless) wouldn't be there if proper fixings are in place for those kinds of people. Yes, there are many ways for them to receive help, but in certain areas there may be nothing available or the funding is lacking for programs. If there was sure help, every homeless person begging on the streets would be questioned because there would be easy ways for him to gain access to housing, medical care, clothing, and hygienic products/clean water. Some choose that lifestyle deliberately and don't beg. There are also cruel ways to repel homeless people from resting or staying in places they deem to be safe. And not everyone just walks past the homeless person. Many I've seen stop to help or give. But there's a lot of bad stigma behind being homeless which could be remedied by proper education of how these situations happen.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

My changes would mostly be in the education and business departments. Along with jailing and public services. My changes in government however could be a bit complicated and if taken too far could turn dystopian or communistic.

And how would you change these?

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Okay, well, how about we start with the jailing situation first? That strikes close to home because my brother is in there now for the third time. I've seen pictures of "updated facilities" and that still doesn't look all that great. Also the stories we get from the inside… shudders Anyway, I believe the people in there would try a lot harder if they didn't get kept pretty much like animals. The cells are bare and whitewashed, they get fenced in small yards for a few hours a day for exercise, the food is crappy cafeteria food, the systems for them to get help are screwy, and… I'm sorry, never mind. I'll continue this another time.

Deleted user

the title of this discussion makes me very annoyed. I am a patriotic american and this kind of thing is why we are so divided. People are blinded by partisanship, and we all need to come together to fix our country‘s problems.
i’ve always said that we all want what’s best for our country but simply disagree on how to accomplish what we all know needs to be done

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if our republic is to survive, we must get rid of Trump and his enablers

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anyone who doesn’t see the danger that Trump poses to our constitution, institutions, and country at large, is simply blinded by partisanship and needs to get their head out his ass

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I have no political affiliation, I just wanna know

How is he a danger to the constitution?

@Elder-God-Whisper work

the title of this discussion makes me very annoyed. I am a patriotic american and this kind of thing is why we are so divided. People are blinded by partisanship, and we all need to come together to fix our country‘s problems.
i’ve always said that we all want what’s best for our country but simply disagree on how to accomplish what we all know needs to be done

I am not a patriotic American. This was made a year ago before I fully realized that I have the full capability to leave this country. If the title annoys you, you never needed to comment. This is simply a discussion that was unintentionally revived by my BF after it died from people being trashy jerks, and we do not need another episode like that. People may state their opinion, but never say that you dislike another person's opinion because that is just plain rude. Also do not comment on things that you never needed to concern yourself with in the first place. But if you would like to politely state your opinion in a professional, mature, debatable manner, you may go right ahead.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Honestly I think that my title I made a year ago was a little incorrect for what I wanted. I mostly just wanted to hear people's opinions on what they would do to change the problems the people of America are facing.

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The guy is a wannabe authoritarian dictator who idolizes people like Vladimir Putin

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my entire reply had a very small percentage that was even devoted to the title. It doesn’t matter

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The guy is a wannabe authoritarian dictator who idolizes people like Vladimir Putin

I can believe respect, but I'd find it hard to believe the idea that he idolizes a man 6 years younger than him

And when has he tried to be a dictator?

Deleted user

You stated some broad opinions about him. I wanted true facts about how he has threatened the constitution

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Keep in mind that there was that funny incident when all the leaders of different nations were helping the queen of England down some stairs and Putin just stood off to the side not even trying to not look like a villain of real life. lmao