forum It's about time for America to fall. Who agrees? Who disagrees? Why?
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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Oh gosh I didn't know the star things made italics! Woaaaah

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

People are mean only for power. The meanest believe that if they are mean, whoever succumbs to their words are under their control. That's oftentimes why tighter governments with really mean rules etc. have more control over their peoples. Because of their power, if you get that.

I disagree. I have sociopathic tendencies and there is still half the time I am mean that has nothing to do with power. Sometimes people are assholes. Most of the time because of stress building up in our systems and such.


and check this out

and this

(or this)

(or even this)

And also this

and this

and this

and let's not forget this either

Deleted user

@NutEllaDraws-is-a-silly-muffin @The-Althalosian-lsNotLikeOtherSquirrels you two are astonishing-

Deleted user

I'll be here for a while, I suspect. I feel the addiction coming in, if that makes sense.



We should institute the draft again. Because right now, people are all gung ho about going to war, because they aren't the ones at risk. Because it's not them, it's not their children. Most military recruits come from the same counties, mostly in the South. And people don't care about the fighting, because it isn't their friends or family who's dying, it isn't anyone they know who's in danger. And so you have guys going to the Middle East for three, four, even five tours, who, with a draft, would only have to go maybe twice. And it's tearing apart families, because one of the parents only comes back once or twice a year, and they suffer because of what they see. and i, for one, am sick of how we interfere in foreign nations and cause war wherever we go. The US has been at war for more years than it's been at peace. Think about that for a minute. In this country's entire life, it has been at war for longer than it has been at peace, largely because our government can't fucking keep to itself.


I did. However, that isn't really going to happen, as amazing as it would be. But the thing is, if the draft were enforced again, the war might end simply because people now will be faced with the possibility of being drafted. Am I making sense? There would be enough public outcry that the fighting might have a chance of ending.


True. But if drastic steps aren't taken, sometimes change won't happen. and I, for one, am sick of living in a country constantly at war. Think about how much money gets poured into the military, that could otherwise go to something better, that would change the country for the better, instead of constantly meddling in foreign affairs.


okay that spoiler thing is impressive

Deleted user

      what about this

(can also be done like this)

this messed with voiceover and I was very confused