forum It's about time for America to fall. Who agrees? Who disagrees? Why?
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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how is he endangering the constitution? Off the top of my head, there’s the Ukraine scandal in which he attempted to coerce a foreign country into indirectly interfering in the 2020 election on his behalf

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I'm just joking, I try not to get involved with actually judging the LEADERS themselves, as they're only human. but when a group of 500+ people start screwing up, something's wrong.

Deleted user

But that doesn't endanger the Constitution. That silly piece of paper is perfectly fine. All he did was breach the rules it put into place, although there ain't anything in the Constitution about phone calls. That's just because it's really old :P

Deleted user

I sincerely hope you are joking. Our founders were very worried about foreign interference and every American should be as well

Deleted user

Hi, so like I'm from America but I'm sick of how we deal with everyone's problems and don't take care of our own. I wish America would quit poking its nose away from its hometowns. "It's time for America to fall"? We've already begun to self destruct, haha.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"People may state their opinion, but never say that you dislike another person's opinion because that is just plain rude."
if you would like to politely state your opinion in a professional, mature, debatable manner, you may go right ahead.

It isn't really rude though. It it actually ill mannered to dare to say that you are not fond of some one else's opinion? And you can be perfectly respectful while strongly disagreeing.

Deleted user

I meant, like, phones weren't around back then, so they didn't even know they would have to even add anything about them into the Constitution

The point I'm trying to make is that the statements you are making makes it seem as though President Trump is the worst president in history. andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) Jackson was literally a street fighter before he was in office, President Nixon had to resign and only avoided jail because of President Ford's pardon, and President Polk instigated a war solely so the US could take Texas from the Mexican government. Now, President Trump is far from the best president ever, but I feel like it is unfair that the Democratic Party pushed for his impeachment as soon as he was signed in.

Again, I'm not a member of any party, I just feel like the guy needs someone to cut him some slack. The whole phone call thing happened 3 years after the Democratic Party began their impeachment campaign. That was the first time he did anything impeachable.

Deleted user

i’m not even a Democrat and I agree with them that he needs to go

Deleted user

some of the nuts in the Democratic Party sure did push for his impeachment as soon as he was sworn in; but those people are a small minority of the party, and I say this while not being a Democrat


Okay, so.
First off, I agree with @Sorrel when it comes to dealing with our own affairs first.
And I'm no expert, but if everyone acted the way they do on Christmas, not as many people would be suffering.

Deleted user

@TrippingOnStardust I guess I just see the world in the way that I believe it would be most beneficially run. Our needs and our people SHOULD come before others, but they don't, and that hurts our country's state. If we took care of us, people would be much better off in general.


why is it that people are so mean like yeah i know i've got flaws but so do you and at least i admit to my flaws unlike you so you're really not in a position to bitch about me in the first place
and it's like this with eVERYONE.
Why? Who hurt you?

Deleted user

People are mean only for power. The meanest believe that if they are mean, whoever succumbs to their words are under their control. That's oftentimes why tighter governments with really mean rules etc. have more control over their peoples. Because of their power, if you get that.

Also thanks for the cookies. insert lousy bow.