forum It's about time for America to fall. Who agrees? Who disagrees? Why?
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@HighPockets group

It has to do with statistics, not being a woman. Therefore my opinion is still valid.

So in a debate about the female anatomy and women's rights, a man looking up bullshit statistics is more valid than a woman voicing how other women approach the topic?
Sadly, this is how most places treat the debate so I'm disappointed but not surprised

So this is about female anatomy? News to me. I don't see how. And facts matter far more than our opinions. Mine as a man and yours as a woman.

It's literally about the female reproductive system but go off I guess

@HighPockets group

We're not. But we have a better idea as to what a women thinks and her reasoning than you might. Statistics may say one thing, but reality will say another. That's the thing with stats, it only gives you part of the picture.


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It has to do with statistics, not being a woman. Therefore my opinion is still valid.

So in a debate about the female anatomy and women's rights, a man looking up bullshit statistics is more valid than a woman voicing how other women approach the topic?
Sadly, this is how most places treat the debate so I'm disappointed but not surprised

So this is about female anatomy? News to me. I don't see how. And facts matter far more than our opinions. Mine as a man and yours as a woman.

It's literally about the female reproductive system but go off I guess

Nah. It's about what goes on inside it.

@HighPockets group

Nor are you.
I, however, have read about and looked into women and why they've had abortions.

And I never have?

Well, since your statistics seem quite inaccurate, if I gambled I'd put my money on 'you haven't, or at least haven't from unbiased sources'

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

We're not. But we have a better idea as to what a women thinks and her reasoning than you might. Statistics may say one thing, but reality will say another. That's the thing with stats, it only gives you part of the picture.


It gives a generalization of trends in large areas. That matters far more than your opinion.

@HighPockets group

It has to do with statistics, not being a woman. Therefore my opinion is still valid.

So in a debate about the female anatomy and women's rights, a man looking up bullshit statistics is more valid than a woman voicing how other women approach the topic?
Sadly, this is how most places treat the debate so I'm disappointed but not surprised

So this is about female anatomy? News to me. I don't see how. And facts matter far more than our opinions. Mine as a man and yours as a woman.

It's literally about the female reproductive system but go off I guess

Nah. It's about what goes on inside it.

Which is still inside the reproductive system?


By the way, I'm pro mind your business. People shouldn't nose their ways into others lives because they don't agree. So in my opinion, we shouldn't even need to have this argument because abortions are a human right of control of the female body. A child that was never born can do no harm nor no good.

Being pro-birth is being anti-women. Plain and simple.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Nor are you.
I, however, have read about and looked into women and why they've had abortions.

And I never have?

Well, since your statistics seem quite inaccurate, if I gambled I'd put my money on 'you haven't, or at least haven't from unbiased sources'

So you think your stats are pure and mine aren't? When your side is the one that gets sufficient monetary gains and mine is non profit?


My mother has had 7 children and at least 4 miscarriages, yet she's even more pro-life than me (she has very little sympathy for anyone who gets an abortion).

Does that mean she's just inexperienced, immature, and bigoted?

@HighPockets group

By the way, I'm pro mind your business. People shouldn't nose their ways into others lives because they don't agree. So in my opinion, we shouldn't even need to have this argument because abortions are a human right of control of the female body. A child that was never born can do no harm nor no good.

Being pro-birth is being anti-women. Plain and simple.

Same. I personally don't care if you choose to birth the baby or abort it, I just care about the fact that women are having that ability stripped away from them.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It has to do with statistics, not being a woman. Therefore my opinion is still valid.

So in a debate about the female anatomy and women's rights, a man looking up bullshit statistics is more valid than a woman voicing how other women approach the topic?
Sadly, this is how most places treat the debate so I'm disappointed but not surprised

So this is about female anatomy? News to me. I don't see how. And facts matter far more than our opinions. Mine as a man and yours as a woman.

It's literally about the female reproductive system but go off I guess

Nah. It's about what goes on inside it.

Which is still inside the reproductive system?

Yes. But inside a woman's body is not the same as a woman's body.

@HighPockets group

It has to do with statistics, not being a woman. Therefore my opinion is still valid.

So in a debate about the female anatomy and women's rights, a man looking up bullshit statistics is more valid than a woman voicing how other women approach the topic?
Sadly, this is how most places treat the debate so I'm disappointed but not surprised

So this is about female anatomy? News to me. I don't see how. And facts matter far more than our opinions. Mine as a man and yours as a woman.

It's literally about the female reproductive system but go off I guess

Nah. It's about what goes on inside it.

Which is still inside the reproductive system?

Yes. But inside a woman's body is not the same as a woman's body.

Read that sentence out loud and see if you can see how ridiculous that sounds.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

By the way, I'm pro mind your business. People shouldn't nose their ways into others lives because they don't agree. So in my opinion, we shouldn't even need to have this argument because abortions are a human right of control of the female body. A child that was never born can do no harm nor no good.

Being pro-birth is being anti-women. Plain and simple.

I feel you. I'm Libertarian so I'm on board. So long as it doesn't physically harm others.

@HighPockets group

My mother has had 7 children and at least 4 miscarriages, yet she's even more pro-life than me (she has very little sympathy for anyone who gets an abortion).

Does that mean she's just inexperienced, immature, and bigoted?

If she has no sympathy for a woman who makes one of the toughest choices possible, then I daresay she is bigoted.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Which is still inside the reproductive system?

Yes. But inside a woman's body is not the same as a woman's body.

Read that sentence out loud and see if you can see how ridiculous that sounds.

Seems pretty legit. You wouldn't say an apple seed is a fruit.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Nor are you.
I, however, have read about and looked into women and why they've had abortions.

And I never have?

Well, since your statistics seem quite inaccurate, if I gambled I'd put my money on 'you haven't, or at least haven't from unbiased sources'

So you think your stats are pure and mine aren't? When your side is the one that gets sufficient monetary gains and mine is non profit?

@HighPockets group

You know what? No matter how many points I make, a 12 year old and a man will still try to half-assedly debunk them until they're blue in the face. Fuck this shit, I'm out.


My mother has had 7 children and at least 4 miscarriages, yet she's even more pro-life than me (she has very little sympathy for anyone who gets an abortion).

Does that mean she's just inexperienced, immature, and bigoted?

I said pro-birth not pro-life. If you're truly pro-life you want to also help the child grow up to be successful right? Not just get the kid out of the womb? If so then all power to her, go ahead and be pro-life. I would just like the choice to be there if need be for women who were raped, in sex trafficking, can't afford a kid, or any other reason needed to abort.


There's a difference between pro-birth and pro-life. That's why I said it the way I did. Pro-birth means you don't care what happens once the kid is out of the womb. Pro-life means you actually care about the well being of the child being born. It was a choice of words and if I offended you sorry, I thought it would be the better choice than pro-life since of the difference stated above.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

You know what? No matter how many points I make, a 12 year old and a man will still try to half-assedly debunk them until they're blue in the face. Fuck this shit, I'm out.

My stat point still stands solidly.


I know not all people who are anti-abortion aren't doing it for the sake of oppressing women. I use pro-birth versus pro-life to represent that differentiation.

Also no it doesn't. Government sources can and will skew statistics. If you can provide multiple independent sources that provide the same statistics that would be great thanks!

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I come back after 2 days and everything went to shit. Thank you internet, thank you oh so much for this website.