forum It's about time for America to fall. Who agrees? Who disagrees? Why?
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

people_alt 53 followers

@Elder-God-Whisper work

The USA is a cult and here are the reasons

  1. You must say the pledge each and every day at school and other events if not you get severely judged or yelled at by a teacher
  2. You must salute the flag and not disrespect it
  3. The eagle is a respected bird that represents the Cult therefore protected like the secret it is a cult
  4. The laws/rules of the cult can be extremely tight and restricting unlike regular laws of other places
  5. Some of the policies of the us
  6. (JK on this one but…) Red necks, they are the honorary and devoted members who do not realize any of this


Noice. I'd honestly love to read a book with a dystopian setting very, very similar to that.

I don't say the pledge, I just sit there and continue doing what I'm doing. Not to be disrespectful, but I don't like saying it. I'm not pledging myself to a fucking flag, m'kay? It pisses my teachers off but I play the "political statement" card and it turns out fine… normally… idk.

(I like this.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I think we should get better leaders and laws and FUCK YOU OHIO FOR TRYING TO CONTROL WOMEN'S BODIES WITH YOUR BULLSHIT LAWS AND SCIENCE THAT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE and maybe just try and make a better community. America, square up for some change, because the oppressed are here and we demand reparations.

(I would like explanations…)

Deleted user

First off, the abortion law is unconstitutional.


I think we should get better leaders and laws and FUCK YOU OHIO FOR TRYING TO CONTROL WOMEN'S BODIES WITH YOUR BULLSHIT LAWS AND SCIENCE THAT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE and maybe just try and make a better community. America, square up for some change, because the oppressed are here and we demand reparations.

(I would like explanations…)

A few states signed a highly restrictive bill preventing women from having an abortion once the baby's heartbeat can be detected through an ultrasound, so at about 6 weeks, with no exceptions for incest/rape cases (although, there are exceptions for cases when the mother could be seriously injured or killed, so it's not too bad).
Honestly, I agree with the bill, except for one part: women could be questioned or even sent to jail for having a miscarriage, which is in most cases completely accidental, extremely painful (physically and emotionally) and out of the mother's control.


The point to those bills is to get Roe versus Wade overturned. Then abortion would become illegal again and women would be forced to have less safe abortions. Because as we know from the past women will have abortions whether it is illegal or not.

Deleted user

The point to those bills is to get Roe versus Wade overturned. Then abortion would become illegal again and women would be forced to have less safe abortions. Because as we know from the past women will have abortions whether it is illegal or not.



In that case, should we legalize rape so the government can make it safer? People will still do it whether it's illegal or not, so why do we even bother with outlawing it?


That my point with abortion. While rape is something immoral and should have stricter laws to prevent it, abortion will happen just like rape does.

Also question for you Nutella. If a person is brain dead but as a heart beat from machines, is it morally okay to pull the plug and kill them? Or should we classify that as murder as well as abortion since you are killing a human with a heart beat?

@Elder-God-Whisper work

@TheChillestBoi's viewpoint: If we can kill people on the streets without giving a second thought because they're "lower-class", it's clear we have no moral code. Or at least a flawed one. Abortion is like vaccinating your kids. Unless you went through the pains of labor and that child came out of your body, you should not have a say in abortion laws.

Also, if you know you're terminally ill, you should have a plan for if you go on life-support [coma]. You should specify these.


Also question for you Nutella. If a person is brain dead but as a heart beat from machines, is it morally okay to pull the plug and kill them? Or should we classify that as murder as well as abortion since you are killing a human with a heart beat?

If the person is completely brain dead and has absolutely no chance of survival, then yes, it should be okay to pull the plug. The human no longer has any hope, keeping them on life support won't help no matter how long they stay there. So, while pulling the plug would technically be ending their life and does, indeed, fall under the definition of murder, there's no future or hope for that human at stake, they're already lost, there's nothing you can do about it, and the best choice for everyone involved would probably be to kill them.

The baby, on the other hand, not only has a heartbeat but it also has a future ahead of them, a life separate from their mother's. To end it simply because the mother doesn't want to deal with them is definitely murder and should be punishable by law.

@HighPockets group

In that case, should we legalize rape so the government can make it safer? People will still do it whether it's illegal or not, so why do we even bother with outlawing it?

Slippery Slope much?

Deleted user

In that case, should we legalize rape so the government can make it safer? People will still do it whether it's illegal or not, so why do we even bother with outlawing it?

Bruh wtf

I hope you're joking.


No matter what laws are put into place, some people are still going to break them, even if that means risking their lives. However, that doesn't mean we should make everything legal just to make it safer/easier on them.

@Knight-Shives group

The USA is a cult and here are the reasons

  1. You must say the pledge each and every day at school and other events if not you get severely judged or yelled at by a teacher
  2. You must salute the flag and not disrespect it
  3. The eagle is a respected bird that represents the Cult therefore protected like the secret it is a cult
  4. The laws/rules of the cult can be extremely tight and restricting unlike regular laws of other places
  5. Some of the policies of the us
  6. (JK on this one but…) Red necks, they are the honorary and devoted members who do not realize any of this


Noice. I'd honestly love to read a book with a dystopian setting very, very similar to that.

I don't say the pledge, I just sit there and continue doing what I'm doing. Not to be disrespectful, but I don't like saying it. I'm not pledging myself to a fucking flag, m'kay? It pisses my teachers off but I play the "political statement" card and it turns out fine… normally… idk.

(I like this.)

I might write this as a story

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I think we should get better leaders and laws and FUCK YOU OHIO FOR TRYING TO CONTROL WOMEN'S BODIES WITH YOUR BULLSHIT LAWS AND SCIENCE THAT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE and maybe just try and make a better community. America, square up for some change, because the oppressed are here and we demand reparations.

(I would like explanations…)

A few states signed a highly restrictive bill preventing women from having an abortion once the baby's heartbeat can be detected through an ultrasound, so at about 6 weeks, with no exceptions for incest/rape cases (although, there are exceptions for cases when the mother could be seriously injured or killed, so it's not too bad).
Honestly, I agree with the bill, except for one part: women could be questioned or even sent to jail for having a miscarriage, which is in most cases completely accidental, extremely painful (physically and emotionally) and out of the mother's control.

Which bill has the miscarriage dealio? I read the Alabama one and there was nothing like in there.
(I think I'll stay out of this one, but I didn't want this to go unaddressed.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

The USA is a cult and here are the reasons

  1. You must say the pledge each and every day at school and other events if not you get severely judged or yelled at by a teacher
  2. You must salute the flag and not disrespect it
  3. The eagle is a respected bird that represents the Cult therefore protected like the secret it is a cult
  4. The laws/rules of the cult can be extremely tight and restricting unlike regular laws of other places
  5. Some of the policies of the us
  6. (JK on this one but…) Red necks, they are the honorary and devoted members who do not realize any of this


Noice. I'd honestly love to read a book with a dystopian setting very, very similar to that.

I don't say the pledge, I just sit there and continue doing what I'm doing. Not to be disrespectful, but I don't like saying it. I'm not pledging myself to a fucking flag, m'kay? It pisses my teachers off but I play the "political statement" card and it turns out fine… normally… idk.

(I like this.)

I might write this as a story

(That would be awesome. Please do.)

@HighPockets group

No matter what laws are put into place, some people are still going to break them, even if that means risking their lives. However, that doesn't mean we should make everything legal just to make it safer/easier on them.

I can't believe you just compared people violating another person's body with abortion. Trust me, there'd be a lot less abortion if there was less rape. It's disgusting that you compared the two, and truly shows how immature you are.

Deleted user

I would show you but Facebook is deleting it whenever someone posts it.

Probably because it's spread of misinformation.

@Knight-Shives group

The USA is a cult and here are the reasons

  1. You must say the pledge each and every day at school and other events if not you get severely judged or yelled at by a teacher
  2. You must salute the flag and not disrespect it
  3. The eagle is a respected bird that represents the Cult therefore protected like the secret it is a cult
  4. The laws/rules of the cult can be extremely tight and restricting unlike regular laws of other places
  5. Some of the policies of the us
  6. (JK on this one but…) Red necks, they are the honorary and devoted members who do not realize any of this


Noice. I'd honestly love to read a book with a dystopian setting very, very similar to that.

I don't say the pledge, I just sit there and continue doing what I'm doing. Not to be disrespectful, but I don't like saying it. I'm not pledging myself to a fucking flag, m'kay? It pisses my teachers off but I play the "political statement" card and it turns out fine… normally… idk.

(I like this.)

I might write this as a story

(That would be awesome. Please do.)

(i need a bit of help

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I would show you but Facebook is deleting it whenever someone posts it.

Probably because it's spread of misinformation.

Your statement is untrue. According to the*stats done by PPs people, the percentage of rape victims that get an abortion is less than one percent.

Deleted user

I would show you but Facebook is deleting it whenever someone posts it.

Probably because it's spread of misinformation.

Your statement is untrue. According to the*stats done by PPs people, the percentage of rape victims that get an abortion is less than one percent.

Ok I don't know them, so I have an absolute right to be suspicious. PPs is literally pointless in my brain, you just can't embolden it and expect me to understand.