forum It's about time for America to fall. Who agrees? Who disagrees? Why?
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

people_alt 53 followers

@Elder-God-Whisper work

State your opinion and your cult if you're in one. lol

I want to clear this up. This is NOT [I repeat] Is NOT a terrorist forum or a recruitment for people to actually take action against America. This is simply so that I can see what people's opinions about this super power is. I NEVER meant for this to be serious, just a simple debate and place where people can state opinions without judgement!!

Deleted user

Emi of the ever-so-gone Fork Cult. I think it should take a look at the current state it is at and how it is defying it's own morals.

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Yo, I'm here.
The Welcome To Notebook radio show is here.

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What? Why? Is this serious? Is this the terrorist chat?

Deleted user

I think we should get better leaders and laws and FUCK YOU OHIO FOR TRYING TO CONTROL WOMEN'S BODIES WITH YOUR BULLSHIT LAWS AND SCIENCE THAT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE and maybe just try and make a better community. America, square up for some change, because the oppressed are here and we demand reparations.


Am I the only person who still likes America?

Look man America is great (or at eleast what it's supposed to be is) but sometimes the best thing you can do for your country is say what is wrong with it and fight to fix it


Am I the only person who still likes America?

Look man America is great but sometimes the best thing you can do for your country is say what is wrong with it and fight to fix it

Well yeah, it's obviously not perfect, there are many problems with it as with every country out there, but we've got some pretty great stuff as well-


What? Why? Is this serious? Is this the terrorist chat?

i'm curious if it's serious as well

Ah yes, of course, because terrorists always love starting conversations in public forums on a small writing website.

Really guys?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

What? Why? Is this serious? Is this the terrorist chat?

i'm curious if it's serious as well

Ah yes, of course, because terrorists always love starting conversations in public forums on a small writing website.

Really guys?

I mean:
these all have been used by terrorists for terrorist purposes. This might be even better due to the fact the user number is smol and the gov. probably doesn't have tabs on it. Who am I kidding the goverment watches everything.

@Mojack group

What? Why? Is this serious? Is this the terrorist chat?

i'm curious if it's serious as well

Ah yes, of course, because terrorists always love starting conversations in public forums on a small writing website.

Really guys?

i've just met some really strange people online and i'm pretty sure they were serious about wanting (insert place or country here) to collapse. But I don't mean to start any fights, so I'll just go.

Deleted user

Nah, we're not serious, this is most likely just going to be a debate of sorts.