forum Introduce yourself!
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@Pickles group

Sup, I'm Pickles. I like cats and dislike the smell of dead skunk. I have longer intros floating around the last few pages if you care that much. And yeah there are a lot of users around your age, don't worry

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I am new to the site. Here is what you need to know.

Im not such a good writer and I am working on something. I've "RP'd" before but never with templates. Just call me Lost. I am a 14-year-old boy. Probably one of the youngest in this site.

You seem humble to a certain extent. Good for you. We all have had to learn and grow. Remember that the beginning of your journey doesn't define you. We can all grow and become strong if we work at it.

Deleted user

Thank you. I believe they call you Dom? May I?

Deleted user

Hi Lost. You've got a really nice chill vibe. I like it (people with high energy make my anxiety spike lol).
I'm Jaymee, but you can call me Jay (she/her). I'm an introvert but hella outgoing if you bring up any of my fandoms which include most anime, Percy Jackson, Stranger Things, and probably some other fandoms I forget. I am an insomniac with a few living brain cells that can barely function.

It's nice to meet ya.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Welcome to Notebook!
I'm Ash, they/them, I have a One Piece problembut seriously, I recommend you watch it, I love to draw, even though I'm terrible at it. I also love watching Thomas Sanders, and playing the new Animal Crossing!
A fair warning, I tend to radiate crackhead energy most of the time.


Hey Lost! I'm Stark. I like to roleplay and meet new people. I'm up to chat about anything you may want to so shoot me a message if you have nothing better to do! Welcome to the community

Deleted user

Hello there, I'm Leander. The recent update prompted me to interact more with other writers on here, so I decided to check out the forums and introduce myself. Sorry if this is horribly awkward–I don't usually visit forums, so I'm not really up to date on the proper etiquette.

Deleted user

well let me be the first to greet ya!
im atlas- yes, the map thingy and it's nice to meet you dude


Heloo, Leander! I'm Ella, sometimes referred to as NutElla, and I doodle a lot. it's nice to meet you!
I've been here a while so if you ever need help with something on the forums, just let me know :D

Deleted user

Thank you, Atlas. It's nice to meet you too. Funny enough, I didn't immediately think of the map thingy. I thought of the Greek legend of Atlas, the one who holds the earth/sky upon his shoulders.

And it's nice to meet you as well, Ella. I would actually really appreciate your guidance around the forums, especially with the "Dos" and "Do Nots" of interacting here. I'm awkward enough as is, so any help to decrease that is greatly appreciated.

@The-Magician group

Welcome to Notebook Leander!
It’s a pleasure to have you here.
My name is Lee.
I’m just your local Brit doing the opposite of what a stereotypical Brit does, though I make an exception for the tea.
I overthink too much, I have a very different view of the world compared to most people, and I believe that stars are more than just burning balls of gas.
We share very much the same interests and would love to talk to you about your interests!
If you ever have any questions or ought else you’d like to talk about, my DMs are always open!
I look forward to getting to know you!