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@saor_illust school

@the-ghost-witch-izzy yes one of my names is four :) n i luv twin peaks !! it my favorite show.. i also rlly like cats 2 :)
@Myosotis nice 2 meet u !

i heard cats

'nd yessss who's your favorite character?

also 'bout the name thing, i think i'll just call ya turnip cause its less confusing aha

Deleted user

one of? do you have multiple names?

Don't you have like ten?

lmao no??

@Pickles group

one of? do you have multiple names?

Don't you have like ten?

lmao no??

You have what? Four legal names iirc? Also four names that we call you
So I don't get why it's unbelievable to you that someone might go by more than one name

Deleted user

one of? do you have multiple names?

Don't you have like ten?

lmao no??

You have what? Four legal names iirc? Also four names that we call you
So I don't get why it's unbelievable to you that someone might go by more than one name

my name shit is complicated. and I'd rather it really not be brought up right now.

I meant, like, obviously y'all have nicknames for me. But I only have one first name.

Deleted user

Hey, I'm Miriam, also known as Miri, Mir, Mimi, Mir Mir… The list goes on. I love Eminem and Edgar Allan Poe. If you have any theories or paranormal stories, tell meeeee. She/her (cis), queer (bisexual with a huge preference for girls.) I'm Wiccan, and will probably talk about my practice a lot because I love it. Deal with it. I always wear black and eyeliner. Resident emo. Will probably yell at you. Welcome aboard.

Deleted user

@Myosotis it's been a might b deleted ? i dont happen 2 remember off the top of my head :( i think i posted on forums thru it like once or twice n i dont think i have any characters still on there
@the-ghost-witch-izzy yea thats fine!! :) no worries. my favorite character…probably dale cooper but i also rlly love donna n lucy

@saor_illust school

@the-ghost-witch-izzy yea thats fine!! :) no worries. my favorite character…probably dale cooper but i also rlly love donna n lucy

okay aha
ahhh yesss those are all great

Deleted user

Hey there! My name’s Moon! A friend of mine recommended this site to me, and it looks fun! I’m sorry if I mess up, I’m new and I’m still trying to learn how to navigate. I like making art, creating characters, and role playing! I’m not the best with grammar and spelling, but I try my best. And that’s pretty much it! I look forward to joining you guys!

Deleted user

Mhm! I’m glad I posted in the right spot lol

Deleted user

Hi Moon. I'm Jaymee, but you can call me Jay (she/her). I'm an introvert but hella outgoing if you bring up any of my fandoms which include most anime, Percy Jackson, Stranger Things, and probably some other fandom I forget. I am an insomniac with a few living brain cells that can barely function.

It's nice to meet ya.

Deleted user

Hi, I am a human. I also enjoy roleplaying. That is all.

Deleted user

Hi Moon. I'm Jaymee, but you can call me Jay (she/her). I'm an introvert but hella outgoing if you bring up any of my fandoms which include most anime, Percy Jackson, Stranger Things, and probably some other fandom I forget. I am an insomniac with a few living brain cells that can barely function.

It's nice to meet ya.

It’s very nice to meet you as well, Jay! About the introvert part, I’m pretty much the same way in real life, lol.

@Pickles group

Sup. I'm Pickles. Some call me Lizzie. Most call me both. I like cats and reanimation. Wait no. I dislike reanimation. Bad Science is bad. I will not steal your bones under any circumstances. I also like cats and true crime. I have a more proper intro somewhere but oh well. You're stuck with this unless you go find it

Deleted user

Hey, I'm Miriam, also known as Miri, Mir, Mimi, Mir Mir… The list goes on. I love Eminem and Edgar Allan Poe. If you have any theories or paranormal stories, tell meeeee. Queer (bisexual with a huge preference for girls.) I'm Wiccan, and will probably talk about my practice a lot because I love it. Deal with it. Resident emo. Will probably yell at you. Welcome aboard.

Deleted user

Very nice to meet you two as well! Thank you for the warm welcome!

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Hey! I'm Ash, they/them, I have a One Piece problem(but in all seriousness, I absolutely recommend it). I also love Thomas Sanders and Animal Crossing(I have New Horizons). I love doing art, mainly manga, and sometimes I like singing, I guess. I'm also the site's virtual hug supplier, so if you're in need of a hug, you can ask me. In addition, sometimes I'm the meme supplier. PM me if you have any questions, I guess, and I'll try my best to answer them.

Also, page 100!

Deleted user

How fun! I, too, like Thomas Sanders and Animal Crossing! Also, I’ll keep you in mind if I’m ever in need of a hug

@The-Magician group

Hi Moon! I know you’ve already met me but I may as well give my notebook introduction!

Welcome to Notebook!
It’s a pleasure to have you here.
My name is Lee, any and all pronouns are acceptable.
I’m just your local Brit doing the opposite of what a stereotypical Brit does, though I make an exception for the tea.
I overthink too much, I have a very different view of the world compared to most people, and I believe that stars are more than just burning balls of gas.
If you ever have any questions or ought else you’d like to talk about, my Notebook and Discord DMs are always open!
I look forward to getting to know you!