forum Introduce yourself!
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@Kie group

The crackhead energy that I just witnessed was impressive. XD

You've hardly seen anything

Well. Now I'm mildly terrified.

Rightfully so.

@Pickles group

The crackhead energy that I just witnessed was impressive. XD

You've hardly seen anything

Well. Now I'm mildly terrified.


@saor_illust school

welcome to all the new ones
don't feel like an actual introduction today so uh
i'm izzy
that's all you need to know for now
if you need to know something about me, ask away and i will answer
but you're not gonna find answers in my introduction


Hello fellow new people who came while I was away!
I'm Asymptotic/Asy. Just your local chaotic death/Louie Zong-obsessed girl. That's all.

Deleted user

Hello so I suppose I’d make an introduction for myself here! I haven’t seen too much of this website but from what I’ve seen it seems easy enough to use!

Hi! My name is Eleodoro (if you have a nickname for me feel free to say it…otherwise I’m not sure what you could call me), she/her! I live in Tel Aviv in Israel, I have lived there all my life, although I’ve visited other countries like Egypt.
I really like world building because it’s a nice hobby and helps keep myself distracted: plus I love talking worlds with others. Speaking of worlds, I’m also interested in stuff like space and universes and all that, so I’ll always be open to talk that sort of stuff! Politics are also a pretty big (and important) topic for me, but I know not everyone is invested in that sort of stuff either :)
I like science fantasy and all that, but my main focus is alternate history (and historical fiction.)
Glad to be here! Some of my favourite animals are polecats, they’re super cute! I also enjoy reading different comics, manga, watching different shows and certain anime occasionally. I also have an appreciation for animation :) Not really much else I can say so..again, happy to be here and I look forwards to getting to know some of the people on here!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Greetings, Eleodoro! Israel. How cool. I'm Dominic, though all call me Dom. I'm sort of the sites resident dad. Worldbuilding is what I love and Tolkien is my role model. I love debating politics and religion and my genre is all kinds of fantasy, though I have one sci-fi story (though I do consider sci-fi a branch of fantasy).

@saor_illust school


Izzy here, 'nd I think pretty much the only important thing to know about me is that I love cats aha
Glad to have you with us!


Hello! I'm new too, but hi. I'm Asy, a Louie Zong enthusiast, okay-ish writer, and chaotic dumbass. Welcome!

Edit: Forgot to say that I'm either online the whole day or not on at all, there's no in between

@Anemone eco

Oh, a new person. :)

Hello! Really my whole introduction of myself is in my bio… but I'm Zach (or some people call me Nie). Uhh, I love Osamu Dazai and videogames. With my whole heart. More info on me in my bio. I'm a huge fan of nature except for large bodies of water. I'm not really interesting and you'll probably see me around a lot because I don't sleep much. I'd like to believe I'm kind. I have stories swirling in my head that are getting written at a turtle's pace, but hey, it's not about speed, am I right? I value others more than myself, even though I don't really interact with many people.

Uh, yeah, that's about all. Welcome, I'm open to questions if you need any help or if you just want to know more about me though!

Here's my intro. :)

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Hey! I'm Ash, they/them, I have a One Piece problem(but in all seriousness, I absolutely recommend it). I also love Thomas Sanders and Animal Crossing(I have New Horizons). I love doing art, mainly manga, and sometimes I like singing, I guess. I'm also the site's virtual hug supplier, so if you're in need of a hug, you can ask me. In addition, sometimes I'm the meme supplier. PM me if you have any questions, I guess, and I'll try my best to answer them.

Deleted user

Hey, @Eleodoro! I'm Jaymee (she/her), but have mostly been going by Jay here (you can also call me James or Joker if you want). M kinda awkward and quiet, although lately I've been more outgoing. I'm really into anime, writing, reading, archery, swimming, PJO, and video games.

That's so cool that you went to Egypt. Did you seen any large arachnids? Or pyramids? I have a strange fear of hot places or deserts, so I avoid the south lol. Ooh, what animes do you like? (I am a weeb and I'm here to fangirl with you if you need someone to fangirl with!)

It's very nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy Notebook!

Deleted user

Hey, I'm Miriam, also known as Miri, Mir, Mimi, Mir Mir… The list goes on. I love Eminem and Edgar Allan Poe. If you have any theories or paranormal stories, tell meeeee. She/her (cis), queer (bisexual with a huge preference for girls.) I'm Wiccan, and will probably talk about my practice a lot because I love it. Deal with it. I always wear black and eyeliner. Resident emo. Will probably yell at you. Welcome aboard.

Deleted user

hey, i'm cherry, or milo, but just call me cherry. i'm obsessed with fall out boy and know more about my chemical romance than i do about myself. he/they, hella queer. i play roller derby.
welcome to notebook, enjoy your stay.

@Milani eco

I'm gonna redo this one….
Hi! I'm Isobel, I identify as a she/her. I am pretty darn pansexual, and the funny thing is that I had absolutely no idea what 'Pansexual' meant only a few years ago! My favourite genre of book is 'Dystopian' or 'Horror'. My favourite movie is most definitely 'Electric Dreams' and my absolute favourite TV show is Stranger Things…. hehe… That is all from me for now! Baiiiiiii!
PS. PM me if we have anything in common, I'm interested :)!