forum Introduce yourself!
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@saor_illust school

welcome delo! i don't think i have a standard introduction, as i never feel like going through this thread and finding it haha
there's also days when i don't feel like giving an introduction so there's that too-

iz here
read, write 'nd draw sometimes
love cats always
still questioning, but 100% sure i'm ace

Deleted user

to Miriam: i'm bisexual too! it's nice to meet another fellow bi person

l i t

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

to Ash: OH! I love Thomas Sanders! I know I sound like a total kid here, but i really love the skits with his other "sides", i can probably say that i've watched (almost) all of the videos on his channel!

Sanders Sides is the absolute best

Deleted user

Didn’t see this yet, but I’m still pretty new so I’d suppose I’d make an introduction.

Greetings. I’m Vintage. Vin, whatever you want to call me. I write sometimes, i world build quite a bit. I’m currently working on an alternate-history dystopian story with a hint of utopian themes as well. Some robots in there too, a lot of stuff. Sounds pretty weird from just that description but hey, I’ve got things going.
I like old stuff. Posters are super cool to me, especially the old ones. Old stuff in general is pretty cool to me. Like history.
I like fantasy, sort of. Depends on what type it is.

I’m not a really talkative person if I’m being honest, which I’m trying to get better at. I do enjoy talking, it’s just I can’t carry a conversation even if my life depended on it.
I also like monsters.

That’s all I can think of for now, I’m going to cut this intro off now.

@Anemone eco

Ah, nice. You've got some pretty cool interests. It's nice to meet you. My introduction is on the page just before this one. But what's up? I'm Zach (he/him pronouns). You can call me Nie if you prefer though. Nice to meet ya. What pronouns should I refer to you with?

Either way, welcome to the site, I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Deleted user

hey, vin! i'm cherry, he/they. i'm Emo As Heck and i've been described as a bunny on crack or a corpse. there's no in-between. nice to meet you!


I'm Allie and I love K.A.A.N, as you can tell from my username. I'm not that great at writing but I have a story I'm working on. Hopefully I see you around somewhere!

Here's my intro. Nice to meet you!

@Pickles group

Hello! I'm Lizzie, but most people call me Pickles. I'm hekka introverted, but I'm on here all the time because most of my friends are here. I like all things chocolate, cats, and true crime. I'm very bad at introductions

Deleted user

Hi Vin. I'm Jaymee, but you can call me Jay. I'm an introvert but hella extroverted if you bring up any of my fandoms which include (most) anime, Percy Jackson, Stranger Things, and probably some other fandom I forget. I am an insomniac with a few living brain cells that can barely function.

It's nice to meet ya.

Deleted user


I have no pronouns, don't refer to me.

I like pirates somebody talk to me about pirates especially pirates in SPACE.

I don't know how to use technology call me Millennial Grandpa/ma actually don't call me that don't call me anything I would prefer not to be noticed.

Deleted user

I have no pronouns, don't refer to me.


@Anemone eco

Either way, greetings, @allthegoodusernamesweretaken. Since you said you'd prefer not to be noticed, I won't stretch this out too long, but I'm Zach. There's my intro for ya.

Deleted user

Pretty sure they were quoting a Twitter post that I think I saw some time in the past.

It was a tumblr post from like,,, years ago idk if I can still find it but cool that you noticed I have no personality (this is a joke and I'm not insulting you or anything if anything I am depricating the me.)

Deleted user

I have no pronouns, don't refer to me.


Wait I saw pirates and skipped over everything else

Hi yes I like pirates. Especially pirates in space. Or at least high tech pirates. No historical accuracy required trust me I don't know things either.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I have no pronouns, don't refer to me.


Wait I saw pirates and skipped over everything else

Hi yes I like pirates. Especially pirates in space. Or at least high tech pirates. No historical accuracy required trust me I don't know things either.

Do you watch any anime?

@Pickles group

Sup. I'm Pickles. Some call me Lizzie. Most call me both. I like cats and reanimation. Wait no. I dislike reanimation. Bad Science is bad. I will not steal your bones under any circumstances. I also like cats and true crime. I have a more proper intro somewhere but oh well. You're stuck with this unless you go find it