forum Introduce yourself!
Started by @andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

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Heyyy, I'm Mikey! I made my account a few months ago but I've only started being active recently.
I've been wanting to write a book since elementary school (I'm in highshcool now) and I've finally decided to start a proper project! I'm hoping helps me stay organized and motivated. I'd love some writing friends! :)

Alister group

hello im Ali, i exist, i really like making new characters just not writing about them but I love to rp and I will write sometimes I just collab a lot. i struggle making my stories make sense. i play dnd too much. if you want to help me write please do. I read to much percy jackson. I like fantasy and short horror anthology stories so that's what I write


hello!! i'm manar :)). i used to use this website a year ago (and lost all my work dammit!!) but I'm back and ready with a revised story :»»


Hey! So I was pretty active on here in about 2019 but I dropped of the face of the earth because I started post-secondary and graduated last year! I'm currently working and am really looking forward to revisiting some old Rps and getting back to some old friends. Tons of things have changed but I'm excited about learning about the changes!

Great to be back!