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I shrug casually I suppose, though by that logic wouldn't whispers be inherently calm and sweet? Yet they can be anything but at times.


True. My argument is very unstable I realize. But I'll go against anything my brother says forever because he can't possibly be right. Thank you for enlightening me though.

Deleted user

I smile slightly and bow Nihil suus. I simply enjoy debating things.

@larcenistarsonist group

Hi! welcome to the site Nia! I'm MJ, a face people see pretty often around here, and I hope you have a great time on Notebook! this place has been my home for about 3 years now and in the process i have accumulated seven different writing projects (sobbing)


Debating is fun until it just turns into arguing. Arguing can be fun too though.

Can you excuse my stupidity and ignorance and tell me what Nihil suus means lol? I'd look it up except I don't feel like it. You don't have to tell me though if you don't want to though.

Deleted user

I laugh slightly True enough, Nia.

"Nihil suus" is Latin. It means "it's nothing."


Hi! welcome to the site Nia! I'm MJ, a face people see pretty often around here, and I hope you have a great time on Notebook! this place has been my home for about 3 years now and in the process i have accumulated seven different writing projects (sobbing)

Hi MJ!I'm loving Notebook sm it's great!!! And 3 years seems like a lot to my brain right now wow….
I write a lot but get frustrated with my tendency to try to make my stuff similar to someone elses and I just end up abandoning everything because it doesn't seem unique enough.


I laugh slightly True enough, Nia.

"Nihil suus" is Latin. It means "it's nothing."

It seems like you're doing a lot of things slightly

as I chuckle slightly and look at you slightly and sigh slightly

I'm just kidding I'm over-caffeinated UwU

Darn tho Latin seems like something I should know.

@larcenistarsonist group

akhdjsk ogh that's a mood and a half. but ykow what they say, comparison is the killer of creativity. my oldest two projects (about 3 and 2.5 years old) I've been developing for a long while and I'm still shifting plots and changing characters and overhauling. it's all moving forward though, and I've even started writing one of my projects! you just gotta find what makes your stuff unique and you gotta explode that.

Deleted user

I laugh slightly True enough, Nia.

"Nihil suus" is Latin. It means "it's nothing."

It seems like you're doing a lot of things slightly

as I chuckle slightly and look at you slightly and sigh slightly

I'm just kidding I'm over-caffeinated UwU

Darn tho Latin seems like something I should know.

I shrug contemplatively I tend to not show my emotions in physical ways. I tend to not show them at all, really.

It took me years to learn. I started when I was 11.


akhdjsk ogh that's a mood and a half. but ykow what they say, comparison is the killer of creativity. my oldest two projects (about 3 and 2.5 years old) I've been developing for a long while and I'm still shifting plots and changing characters and overhauling. it's all moving forward though, and I've even started writing one of my projects! you just gotta find what makes your stuff unique and you gotta explode that.

Frl, It's great that you keep moving forward and finding inspiration. I need to do that, it just seems like I'm always too busy uk? Even though I'm not doing anything and I'm just like wayyyy back in a rabbit hole isolated from people. Fun times.


I laugh slightly True enough, Nia.

"Nihil suus" is Latin. It means "it's nothing."

It seems like you're doing a lot of things slightly

as I chuckle slightly and look at you slightly and sigh slightly

I'm just kidding I'm over-caffeinated UwU

Darn tho Latin seems like something I should know.

I shrug contemplatively I tend to not show my emotions in physical ways. I tend to not show them at all, really.

It took me years to learn. I started when I was 11.

That's good, in some ways. In others that sounds troubling. What happened when you were eleven?
I have no idea if people can see my emotions because I struggle with understanding other peoples perception of me. Like…. people can see me?! Really?! Is that only weird to me? I just feel stuff. No idea what's going on beyond that.

Deleted user

I laugh slightly True enough, Nia.

"Nihil suus" is Latin. It means "it's nothing."

It seems like you're doing a lot of things slightly

as I chuckle slightly and look at you slightly and sigh slightly

I'm just kidding I'm over-caffeinated UwU

Darn tho Latin seems like something I should know.

I shrug contemplatively I tend to not show my emotions in physical ways. I tend to not show them at all, really.

It took me years to learn. I started when I was 11.

That's good, in some ways. In others that sounds troubling. What happened when you were eleven?
I have no idea if people can see my emotions because I struggle with understanding other peoples perception of me. Like…. people can see me?! Really?! Is that only weird to me? I just feel stuff. No idea what's going on beyond that.

I chuckle softly A lot of stuff happened when I was eleven. But I just wanted to learn Latin, if that's what you're asking.

@larcenistarsonist group

Frl, It's great that you keep moving forward and finding inspiration. I need to do that, it just seems like I'm always too busy uk? Even though I'm not doing anything and I'm just like wayyyy back in a rabbit hole isolated from people. Fun times.

aldjks yeah motivation comes and goes. I've recently been on a kick for my 7th project, a prequel to the 2nd project about the fourth world War that was the Catalyst for everything in the 2nd project. I just get ideas sometimes and that snowballs into so much more.

ALSO Nia and Visio, do you think you could move to a different discussion or DM just to not clog up the chat?


I laugh slightly True enough, Nia.

"Nihil suus" is Latin. It means "it's nothing."

It seems like you're doing a lot of things slightly

as I chuckle slightly and look at you slightly and sigh slightly

I'm just kidding I'm over-caffeinated UwU

Darn tho Latin seems like something I should know.

I shrug contemplatively I tend to not show my emotions in physical ways. I tend to not show them at all, really.

It took me years to learn. I started when I was 11.

That's good, in some ways. In others that sounds troubling. What happened when you were eleven?
I have no idea if people can see my emotions because I struggle with understanding other peoples perception of me. Like…. people can see me?! Really?! Is that only weird to me? I just feel stuff. No idea what's going on beyond that.

I chuckle softly A lot of stuff happened when I was eleven. But I just wanted to learn Latin, if that's what you're asking.

I just read literally all of what you said wrong. I thought you were saying you started refraining from showing outward emotion when you were 11. And in my head that meant something happened to you at that age.

I just realized you were talking about Latin sorryyyyy


Frl, It's great that you keep moving forward and finding inspiration. I need to do that, it just seems like I'm always too busy uk? Even though I'm not doing anything and I'm just like wayyyy back in a rabbit hole isolated from people. Fun times.

aldjks yeah motivation comes and goes. I've recently been on a kick for my 7th project, a prequel to the 2nd project about the fourth world War that was the Catalyst for everything in the 2nd project. I just get ideas sometimes and that snowballs into so much more.

ALSO Nia and Visio, do you think you could move to a different discussion or DM just to not clog up the chat?

I get that…


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

(also, if you're interested in hearing songs in Spanish, I recommended El Noa Noa - Juan Gabriel, El Rey - Vicente Fernández, La Chona - Los Tucanes De Tijuana, Bidi Bidi Bom Bom - Selena, Vuela, Vuela (Voyage, Voyage) - Magento, Si Una Vez - Selena, Suerte (Whenever, Whenever) - Shakira, ABBA's songs that are in Spanish (bc let's be honest all of them are great) and my personal favorite Rata De Dos Patas - Paquita La Del Barrio)

I was lowkey looking for recs like this. Learning Spanish is pretty slow going now that I don't hang w my Mexican coworkers anymore. I figured some other songs would help me learn. I do like Selena already so I can see you are a man of taste.
Also hi Laffy Idk if you remember me but I'm Dom

Ah, I was just recommending some songs that I grew up with. But yeah, Selena was a great artist and one of my favorites and it be wrong of me not to recommend some of her songs. You're kinda hard to forget tbh (in a good way) but hi Dom! If you want, I can give you the link to my playlist. 3 hours worth of music in Spanish and will be updated every once in a while. (it sounds like I'm trying to convince you to buy something help 💀)

I'm down dude drop the link

@spacebluelily language

(also, if you're interested in hearing songs in Spanish, I recommended El Noa Noa - Juan Gabriel, El Rey - Vicente Fernández, La Chona - Los Tucanes De Tijuana, Bidi Bidi Bom Bom - Selena, Vuela, Vuela (Voyage, Voyage) - Magento, Si Una Vez - Selena, Suerte (Whenever, Whenever) - Shakira, ABBA's songs that are in Spanish (bc let's be honest all of them are great) and my personal favorite Rata De Dos Patas - Paquita La Del Barrio)

I was lowkey looking for recs like this. Learning Spanish is pretty slow going now that I don't hang w my Mexican coworkers anymore. I figured some other songs would help me learn. I do like Selena already so I can see you are a man of taste.
Also hi Laffy Idk if you remember me but I'm Dom

Ah, I was just recommending some songs that I grew up with. But yeah, Selena was a great artist and one of my favorites and it be wrong of me not to recommend some of her songs. You're kinda hard to forget tbh (in a good way) but hi Dom! If you want, I can give you the link to my playlist. 3 hours worth of music in Spanish and will be updated every once in a while. (it sounds like I'm trying to convince you to buy something help 💀)

I'm down dude drop the link

here ya go

@kotlc_obbsessed language

Hey I'm Carla! I love to read and I love a certain book series that you may or may not know about. I love to write and I'm excited to learn more about this website. I have one story that I have been working on, but recently changed a couple things and I'm a little bit stuck. I'm hoping to make friends on this website also. Thanks so much!


Hi, I'm using my middle name Isabel for this site. I've got a book that's been in the works for almost ten years now. I really spend too much time world building. I love fantasy and medieval themes, along with tons of mythology. So, I play a lot of Dungeons & Dragons. I love creating characters and roleplaying their stories out with other peope, so if anyone needs a writing buddy send me a message.
I've been on this site for a while, but I decided to get back on recently and find some new people to talk to. It's good to be back, and I love how this site has grown. I'm a massive nerd, so if anyone wants to talk some time just message me.

@Zerothemimikyu local_movies

Hi, I'm Zero! I always have some sort of story in my head, but when I go write it down on paper, my mind becomes blank. I write Crossover Fanfiction, so this site is helpful for not having to always googling wikis every time I want to continue where I left off and then never finish it. Thanks for reading!