forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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@Morals-are-for-mortals language

The next time I update that post I’m getting rid of all the blue names istg

my anxiety said you were kicking me out lmao

I meant that I’d get rid of the “@“ before the name because I think that’s what’s causing the extreme website-breaking lag whenever it gets updated

@spacebluelily language

I updated the first post, sorry if it made the entirety of notebook have a stroke. But uh, thoughts?

gonna be honest, I'm not sure how many are going to check the first page
then again, a lot of people are intelligent enough to know what the word closed means

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

I updated the first post, sorry if it made the entirety of notebook have a stroke. But uh, thoughts?

gonna be honest, I'm not sure how many are going to check the first page
then again, a lot of people are intelligent enough to know what the word closed means

Well, when clicking on a new forum it starts out on the first page. So hopefully??

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

The next time I update that post I’m getting rid of all the blue names istg

my anxiety said you were kicking me out lmao

I meant that I’d get rid of the “@“ before the name because I think that’s what’s causing the extreme website-breaking lag whenever it gets updated

yeah ik, I'm just brain dead rn lol
I wouldn't blame you

@the-void-phantasmic language

Since you always speak in whisper I just imagine us speaking normally to you and then you respond with cryptic whispering in an Eldritch language and we just magically know what you’re saying

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Since you always speak in whisper I just imagine us speaking normally to you and then you respond with cryptic whispering in an Eldritch language and we just magically know what you’re saying

Headcanon accepted.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Since you always speak in whisper I just imagine us speaking normally to you and then you respond with cryptic whispering in an Eldritch language and we just magically know what you’re saying

Headcanon accepted.

New chicken chat lore dropped let’s go

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

Since you always speak in whisper I just imagine us speaking normally to you and then you respond with cryptic whispering in an Eldritch language and we just magically know what you’re saying

Headcanon accepted.

New chicken chat lore dropped let’s go

(I personally love this)

@the-void-phantasmic language

“Hi skittles “ and he hits us with “ỳ̶̙͇̰͚͉͍͎͗̈́̀͊̒́͌̇̅́̀̉̔ơ̴̗͕̤̯̂͗̔̅̂͊̔̄͐͐͛́͘͝ ̴̛̛̛͕̦̥̙̞͈̳̜̈́͊͌̔̇́́̔̆͘̚ ̸̨̝͈̞͖̟̥̗̰̈́̌̐́̉̒̀̈́̿̅͒̆͠ͅy̸̡̰͖̳̭̫̎́̈́͜o̸̢̠͚͓͍̗͖̪̖̠̖̟̺̟̹̒̐̎̕ ̷̡̧̣̰̗̠̠̻̯͚̗̘̙̣̏̃͗̌͊̕͝y̴̠͕͈͉̅̽̄͒̒̈́͊͐͜͝͠ơ̶̥͖͙͍͎̜͈̯̣̔̐͋̈̋̈́́̈̒̈́̆͊̿̕͘͝ͅ”

@spacebluelily language

I updated the first post, sorry if it made the entirety of notebook have a stroke. But uh, thoughts?

gonna be honest, I'm not sure how many are going to check the first page
then again, a lot of people are intelligent enough to know what the word closed means

Well, when clicking on a new forum it starts out on the first page. So hopefully??

fair enough

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

(When you click on an unread topic, if you haven’t opened it before, it will start you out on the first page. But if you’ve read to a certain point and then leave for a while, it will keep you on the same page you were on when you last opened it. As for the lag, the bigger the thread gets, the more lag it gets. Since this thread is so big you might have to make another thread soon in the future! But that’s not a bad thing, it means you’ve built a community and it needs a little bit more room! 🙃 I shall disappear now. )

@RhysTheFirebird group

(this is my favorite new fact about myself)
(Add to it that you rarely see my face, but i gesture a lot with the tentacles to clarify my meaning, of course)

(Naw, you don't have a face at all-)

@im-with-stoopid pets

(Oomph a potential whole other new thread? Didn't the first chat get to, like, a thousand pages? Didn't realize how big of a mess our shenanigans were making- thank you and sorry to the elder god janitors, lol)

@im-with-stoopid pets

opening up my old SoulSilver savefile and finding boxes upon boxes of onix and gastly (i just found out what natures were)

@im-with-stoopid pets

opening up my old SoulSilver savefile and finding boxes upon boxes of onix and gastly (i just found out what natures were)

oh my goodness I forgot how awful I used to be at nicknames



@Morals-are-for-mortals language

opening up my old SoulSilver savefile and finding boxes upon boxes of onix and gastly (i just found out what natures were)

oh my goodness I forgot how awful I used to be at nicknames



And you are 100% correct