forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

lol– one of my old flames txted me out of the blue.

like a guy I went on a few dates years ago before we decided just to be friends and then we kinda drifted apart because of school and stuff…
We were chatting and he asked me for coffee and I was like "Dude. I'm in Washington now."

His response killed me. XD

"Oh shit! E, you're dead."
two seconds later
"I didn't get to smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash. 😭"
two more seconds later
"Wanna get coffee in Hell?"
five seconds later
"Wait– you have a boyfriend. Why did I just ask you out?"

Me: What is happening?

10 second later

How do I attract all the weird people?

Deleted user

The Blade is a block in Seattle where all the drugs, prostitutes, and homeless kinda hang out.

It's not cool. Nor is it safe.

Deleted user

"I didn't get to smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash. 😭"


Deleted user

following your favorite store on insta is great until they post about a new shirt they started selling and suddenly you need to leave your home to run to the mall and buy it

coronavirus can suck my left toe


following your favorite store on insta is great until they make another post of their stunning interior and all the fancy smancy art supplies that are on sale and you cry because it's in Japan and you, unfortunately, are not in Japan

@HighPockets group

I don't have an insta, but no virus will stop me from racing to Barnes and Noble when the TROS novelization drops. In the words of Han Solo, "I'll see you in Hell."


Y'all I finally drew something I like
But it's just a sketch rn and I'm finna fuck it up with lineart and color
But I want it to keep looking nice

Deleted user

Someone call Harvard, the man's a genius

this made me cackle
pickles I love you

Deleted user

you and Google Chrom are really getting on my nerves right now, Nie

@Anemone eco

you and Google Chrom are really getting on my nerves right now, Nie

Hmm. Are you willing to share why? Well, the me part of this anyway. I don't really care about Google Chrom.