forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


I'd like to be rude to this one person. Who has been messaging with me for months and it feels rude to stop now. But they won't stop talking about Jin from fucking BTS and I'm fucking sick of it. I don't like K-pop, I don't give a shit about BTS, and I don't care that Jin likes to play nintendo, or that you think Jin is yours, or that you're obsessed with him, i am so fucking SICK of hearing about Jin from fucking BTS!!

@HighPockets group

Jyn– my copy of House of Earth and Blood got sent to my old address in Cali. D:

F in chat :(
I'm going book shopping tomorrow (aka I have a few coupons and I'm going to be stuck at home until April) and I really want to get some good reads!

@Moxie group

Well Northern Ireland have closed their colleges and schools for two and a half weeks, other schools in England are closing, and then my college is here just like “No, we are keeping you here until one person tests positive, and even then you will have to remain at college just so we can test to see if you have it.”

Like no, I’m sorry, if my college goes on a lock down because of the virus then me and my mates are R U N N I N G because fuck staying on campus

My school was going to do that but then my county said all schools have to shut down for three weeks

Deleted user

But in other countries it takes a lot longer for treatment. in some cases it can take upwards of three months for treatments for terminal illnesses

Deleted user

i went to the servo to get milk. as i walk to the counter the guy looks me dead in the eye and says.
"good you came in to get it now, you are going to need it. i've been selling out like crazy."
no, i have a question
who is stocking up on the milk??
(especially from the servo? go to woolies at least jeez, everyone knows the stuff in the servos sit there for weeks before being stocked properly.)
now don't get me wrong, stocking up on milk is better than stocking up on toilet paper
(and some of the brawls i've seen break out over fucking toilet paper is insane)
but like,,, why are we even freaking out over co vid-19?
it's basically just another strain of the flu and it's not going to kill you unless you are already sick, over 65, or have respiratory issues.
i don't know about the rest of the world, but in australia, we only have a 1% mortality rate. 1%!
so why are we freaking out so much holy crap?
i get it, it's a pandemic, and people are reacting this way and taking it seriously because no one took the spanish flu seriously and look what happened there.
(i'm not even going to get into my theories on why co vid-19 is now contractable to humans because thats a whole other conversation)
anyway, rant over.


I think most of the reason everyone’s stocking up is because they’re scared of being quarantined and not being able to go anywhere, not that they’ll get the virus.

@Pickles group

Because people are being told to have enough food and supplies to self quarantine if necessary?
And the death rate is a heck of a lot larger than that.

Deleted user

as someone with respiratory issues
it's kind of scary

Deleted user

Well actually it is pretty scary once it's reached this level.

Flu viruses can mutate which it is why it is so hard to eradicate completely. And no a mutation in a disease doesn't necessarily take a long time to occur–depending on the person it infects it can happen pretty damn quickly. Unfortunately the heathcare system isn't built to protect against mutations.

Not to mention that each person it infects the virus picks up new attributes, new antibodies, etc. It can very easily become antibiotic resistant and therefore unable to treat.

Its really quite impressive that people are taking the initiative to quarantine and such (as much as I hate it rn) they've actually made it safer. It took one bat to infect the world, all it needs is one person's funky DNA to fuck up the rest of the population.

And it doesn't just infect the old or immune compromised anymore– My step-mother is a Nurse Practitioner in Detroit and her hospital is treating a patient my age who appeared completely healthy until she collapsed and tested positive for COVID-19.

So the moral of my story is be vigilant, stop touching your face and wash your goddamn hands

@HighPockets group

Well actually it is pretty scary once it's reached this level.

Flu viruses can mutate which it is why it is so hard to eradicate completely. And no a mutation in a disease doesn't necessarily take a long time to occur–depending on the person it infects it can happen pretty damn quickly. Unfortunately the heathcare system isn't built to protect against mutations.

Not to mention that each person it infects the virus picks up new attributes, new antibodies, etc. It can very easily become antibiotic resistant and therefore unable to treat.

Its really quite impressive that people are taking the initiative to quarantine and such (as much as I hate it rn) they've actually made it safer. It took one bat to infect the world, all it needs is one person's funky DNA to fuck up the rest of the population.

And it doesn't just infect the old or immune compromised anymore– My step-mother is a Nurse Practitioner in Detroit and her hospital is treating a patient my age who appeared completely healthy until she collapsed and tested positive for COVID-19.

So the moral of my story is be vigilant, stop touching your face and wash your goddamn hands

Isn't it super fucking bad in Washington too?

Deleted user

Well actually it is pretty scary once it's reached this level.

Flu viruses can mutate which it is why it is so hard to eradicate completely. And no a mutation in a disease doesn't necessarily take a long time to occur–depending on the person it infects it can happen pretty damn quickly. Unfortunately the heathcare system isn't built to protect against mutations.

Not to mention that each person it infects the virus picks up new attributes, new antibodies, etc. It can very easily become antibiotic resistant and therefore unable to treat.

Its really quite impressive that people are taking the initiative to quarantine and such (as much as I hate it rn) they've actually made it safer. It took one bat to infect the world, all it needs is one person's funky DNA to fuck up the rest of the population.

And it doesn't just infect the old or immune compromised anymore– My step-mother is a Nurse Practitioner in Detroit and her hospital is treating a patient my age who appeared completely healthy until she collapsed and tested positive for COVID-19.

So the moral of my story is be vigilant, stop touching your face and wash your goddamn hands

Isn't it super fucking bad in Washington too?

Slowly becoming a ghost town