forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user


Deleted user


Today is my 6 year high school graduation anniversary.


Well, I'll jump right in then.

Men fucking suck. And of course, despite hating the phrase in it's entirety, I don't mean 'all men'. I mean too many men, obviously.

Why do men suck, you ask?

Well, that's a whole entire rant itself, many rants, in fact, because I'm a salty bitch. But this is more specific. I want to punch this guy in the throat. My grandmother started dating like….last year, maybe? I'm not honestly all that sure, because my concept of time is all screwed, but I know she's had time to go through a couple guys, some lasting longer than others. I don't give a shit rn, so I'm calling him Billy, which is his name.

Billy was a decent dude. He had had problems with drinking, bleeding into his time dating my grandmother, until he was arrested for a DUI. Now, my family liked this guy, thought he was cool, and honestly, I was chill with him too. Of course, for whatever reason, I refused to be in a room alone with him no matter what, but I could've just been paranoid.

Except….maybe I wasn't. They broke up while my family was over, because he had gotten pissed at my dogs, yelled at them, and then turned his yelling on my grandmother. While a good chunk of my family was in the next room, or a this house with thin ass walls. Of course, the marijuana showing up in his system during a drug test didn't help, not because of the marijuana itself, but because of the blatant lying he did, and all the bullshit excuses.

Flash forward a bit, they still talk and are somewhat friends, though he's still weird about the whole thing, trying to get her to date him again and acting like they still are dating. But beyond that, not too much is weird. Right up until he borrows her keys, and then makes copies without her consent. My stepdad had changed her locks right after they broke up, just in case, and then this guy fucking copies her keys, and gets a house like not even a mile away in a spot she has to pass every day to get to and from work. And now, all day while she's at work, he won't text her or anything, but as soon as she steps foot in the door of her home, he's calling.

And that's not even the motherfucking last of it. She doesn't lock her doors all that often, because she lives out on an island where the most popular crime is fucking mail theft. But of course, all this started, so she locks them now.
And one night, she's trying to sleep, and she hears movement on her porch, which is right outside her bedroom window. Things being moved around, movement, the works. They next morning, she checks, and one of her garden gloves is missing. That reeks of a stalker stealing mementos.

Call me fucking paranoid or whatever, but this entire thing reads like the beginning of a news article about a woman found dead in the woods or something. And she still won't call the cops, because she thinks this isn't enough or they won't do anything.

Deleted user

Honestly, I would do all the crimes to get him away from my family. That shit aint cool.


And it's not right to go behind her back, no matter how bad I want to. Until it's a for sure danger, I just have to sit here and wait. We at least changed her locks just a couple days ago

@HighPockets group

Can you set up a tripwire at her house so if he goes on the porch it will get triggered and drop something on him? Or put up a small camera?