forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

laughs in the language of marching band

joins while still laughing in over 50% Italian


I don't know, but apparently one of my favorite YouTubers is actually an abusive, manipulative, terrible excuse for a human being and I'm not sure if I want to know what he did

All I know is that it has something to do with his girlfriend and he had just hit a subscriber milestone before this drama hit. (The channel is Slazo, btw)

Deleted user

Somebody explain before I lose my politeness.

In. English.

Deleted user

Ah well. He deserves it then.

The article was an insight.

Deleted user

(for those who didn't read the article) Slazo was basically forcing himself onto his ex-girlfriend when they were together and going into DMs and saying stuff like 'But I wanted it' etc. I've unsubscribed from him, he did deserve the hit he got.


While there is quite a bit of evidence against him and I’m 85% sure he’s guilty, I’m giving him a chance to respond. I’ve read a few comments on his subreddit that could explain how the texts might’ve been faked, edited, or taken out of context, and considering how he just hit the 800K milestone a day before this surfaced and how his ex has been acting extremely jealous (according to the people who went to help her), it’s not impossible…

I’m extremely horrified by the whole situation and I’m mostly trying to make myself feel better about supporting his channel for so long.

Deleted user

Oh wow. Look at that. More evidence of the decline into rape culture.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I think that while some women actually have been raped, there are women who take advantage of the fact people are more willing to believe the woman. That's just how the world works. I'm not, however, saying these things are okay, either the rape or the false accusation. This is kinda personal to me, one of my friends was falsely accused of this by his ex, and it practically ruined him.


I'm of course inclined to believe Slazo's ex, but you do have to keep in mind, what Swim said. My stepdad's best friend was arrested on false rape charges, and spent twelve years in prison, lost almost all of his friends, and barely got to see his daughter. Granted, he did cheat on the girlfriend that made the claims, but that's not quite the point. The point is that sadly false rape claims are made, and they're part of the reason nobody believes women who are raped.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

False accusation of rape exists. It is easier than ever now with the Trust All Women movements. Obviously I am more likely to trust a woman that said she was raped than a man saying he didn't do it. Because it is the wiser option. But the judgement should wait until proof or else the law is being used improperly.