forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user


Well, I personally would, but I would bet my bottom ass dollar that other people wouldn't. Because women getting raped rather than a man (or it's just unheard of/unreported), no one believes it.

@Pickles group

It's completely ridiculous. They also think that women aren't as capable of murder as men but…… And the "they died from blunt force trauma or strangling. It must have been a man! No woman would ever do something like that they're too weak!"
Sorry, I have a lot of pent up anger about that. Women can gruesomely kill people too. Not that I wish it happens or that I participate in said ILLEGAL ACTIVITY. killing people is wrong, but there are women that do it too. Not just men.

@HighPockets group

Also, food for thought:
If a man accused a woman of rapping him, would you believe him as much add you would a women accusing a man?

Yes? Because the gender of the person in question doesn't matter?

Deleted user

Well damn, now I have people who know about my plans for world domination. And I thought nobody would suspect a woman like me!

But seriously. Gender doesn't matter. However, most of the time acts like these, especially rape, are committed by men. While we're discussing gender, I need an argument to prove that trans/generally genderqueer individuals are valid because… my dad. And Pride. And arguing. Soooo… help?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Also, food for thought:
If a man accused a woman of rapping him, would you believe him as much add you would a women accusing a man?

Yes? Because the gender of the person in question doesn't matter?

I've actually have had people answer no before. Its sickening.

@HighPockets group

Well damn, now I have people who know about my plans for world domination. And I thought nobody would suspect a woman like me!

But seriously. Gender doesn't matter. However, most of the time acts like these, especially rape, are committed by men. While we're discussing gender, I need an argument to prove that trans/generally genderqueer individuals are valid because… my dad. And Pride. And arguing. Soooo… help?

There've been genderqueer identities all the way back in time to ancient Egyptian mythology in case he pulls the whole "they're faking it for attention" card.

Deleted user

Oh wow. Look at that. More evidence of the decline into rape culture.

Or y'know, following that "innocent until proven guilty" dealio we have in America.

My comment wasn't toward that at all. Rape culture is a lot more than 'not believing a woman when she claims a man assaulted her.'

Deleted user

Well damn, now I have people who know about my plans for world domination. And I thought nobody would suspect a woman like me!

But seriously. Gender doesn't matter. However, most of the time acts like these, especially rape, are committed by men. While we're discussing gender, I need an argument to prove that trans/generally genderqueer individuals are valid because… my dad. And Pride. And arguing. Soooo… help?

There've been genderqueer identities all the way back in time to ancient Egyptian mythology in case he pulls the whole "they're faking it for attention" card.

Two of the greatest Pharaohs in history were women! But they refused to conform that women were less than men so they just straight up took the title (in the case of Cleopatra) and one claimed to have a male ka, so in reality she was truly male (in the case of Hatsheput).

It's also inferred the Nefertiti never actually was murdered, instead she took up the title of Pharaoh as a man after her husband died (was murdered)

@HighPockets group

Well damn, now I have people who know about my plans for world domination. And I thought nobody would suspect a woman like me!

But seriously. Gender doesn't matter. However, most of the time acts like these, especially rape, are committed by men. While we're discussing gender, I need an argument to prove that trans/generally genderqueer individuals are valid because… my dad. And Pride. And arguing. Soooo… help?

There've been genderqueer identities all the way back in time to ancient Egyptian mythology in case he pulls the whole "they're faking it for attention" card.

Two of the greatest Pharaohs in history were women! But they refused to conform that women were less than men so they just straight up took the title (in the case of Cleopatra) and one claimed to have a male ka, so in reality she was truly male (in the case of Hatsheput).

It's also inferred the Nefertiti never actually was murdered, instead she took up the title of Pharaoh as a man after her husband died (was murdered)

That's pretty badass

Deleted user

That whole "we don't assume women do bad things" discussion is actually so true :/ It makes me feel a little weird because as a female, it's like… Am I just not strong enough in your eyes to murder someone?

Deleted user

Well damn, now I have people who know about my plans for world domination. And I thought nobody would suspect a woman like me!

But seriously. Gender doesn't matter. However, most of the time acts like these, especially rape, are committed by men. While we're discussing gender, I need an argument to prove that trans/generally genderqueer individuals are valid because… my dad. And Pride. And arguing. Soooo… help?

There've been genderqueer identities all the way back in time to ancient Egyptian mythology in case he pulls the whole "they're faking it for attention" card.

Two of the greatest Pharaohs in history were women! But they refused to conform that women were less than men so they just straight up took the title (in the case of Cleopatra) and one claimed to have a male ka, so in reality she was truly male (in the case of Hatsheput).

It's also inferred the Nefertiti never actually was murdered, instead she took up the title of Pharaoh as a man after her husband died (was murdered)

That's pretty badass

I aggressively stan my Egyptian Queens.

Deleted user

That whole "we don't assume women do bad things" discussion is actually so true :/ It makes me feel a little weird because as a female, it's like… Am I just not strong enough in your eyes to murder someone?

Who gives a fuck? Let them underestimate us.

When we take this world from them, they will suffer. (shrugs)


That whole "we don't assume women do bad things" discussion is actually so true :/ It makes me feel a little weird because as a female, it's like… Am I just not strong enough in your eyes to murder someone?

Who gives a fuck? Let them underestimate us.

When we take this world from them, they will suffer. (shrugs)

I don't know if it's even the whole prospect that woman can't do things like rape/murder. I think it's more sided to the whole masculinity idea that males are generally more violent. And statistically speaking, males might higher rates of committing these things. It's also just stereotypically taught that men rape women - a lot of people don't realize women rape men.


Y'know what my theory is? Half of those unsolved murders, particularly the violent ones, are only unsolved because the police assumed the culprit was male, due to the nature of the crime, allowing the actual culprit to get away without suspicion.

Deleted user

Girls know how to get rid of blood stains properly

Deleted user

In all honesty and seriousness, women would make much better serial killers. Just….really think about it for a second.

Deleted user

That whole "we don't assume women do bad things" discussion is actually so true :/ It makes me feel a little weird because as a female, it's like… Am I just not strong enough in your eyes to murder someone?

Who gives a fuck? Let them underestimate us.

When we take this world from them, they will suffer. (shrugs)

I actually do care, TBH…

Deleted user

Well damn, now I have people who know about my plans for world domination. And I thought nobody would suspect a woman like me!

But seriously. Gender doesn't matter. However, most of the time acts like these, especially rape, are committed by men. While we're discussing gender, I need an argument to prove that trans/generally genderqueer individuals are valid because… my dad. And Pride. And arguing. Soooo… help?

There've been genderqueer identities all the way back in time to ancient Egyptian mythology in case he pulls the whole "they're faking it for attention" card.

Two of the greatest Pharaohs in history were women! But they refused to conform that women were less than men so they just straight up took the title (in the case of Cleopatra) and one claimed to have a male ka, so in reality she was truly male (in the case of Hatsheput).

It's also inferred the Nefertiti never actually was murdered, instead she took up the title of Pharaoh as a man after her husband died (was murdered)

That's pretty badass

I aggressively stan my Egyptian Queens.

Coolio. But I did try something like that by bringing up the myth of Asu-Shu-Namir and it didn't end well.

@Pickles group

In all honesty and seriousness, women would make much better serial killers. Just….really think about it for a second.