forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@HighPockets group

Ugh I can relate, I follow a lot of Booktubers and most only upload once or twice a week

Or Hello Future Me Who posts thrice a month. (Also his I bought his book!)

P.M. Seymour, JK Studios, and Studio C post the most out of the ones I watch, along with Hailey and CeCe

@ElderGod-kirky group

I'd like to pop in and tell a story about this current situation I'm in that's just super creepy.

Okay, so this is throughout most of my 10th-grade year (I just finished it, thank the GODS). I have Gym for an hour at around lunchtime, and I litterally started out with NO friends in that class. It was a mix of a few of us Sophomores, some more Juniors, and then some Seniors. There was this junior, let's call him Craig, that I was nice to because I'm not a bitch towards people that aren't my friends. He hung around these two seniors that I had gravitated towards because one of them saw my lonesome self and basically adopted me—perks of being an introvert.

He eventually started to talk to me more, and I didn't think much of it. We had our little Gym buddy group with the four of us. The senior that had adopted me, let's call her Angel, she also sat with me at lunch because, surprise surprise, I had no one else to sit with. We'd talk and blah blah blah. That's the boring and uneventful part.

Now here's the meat. He invited me to a group movie night at his place. Okay, I can deal with a group of friends. Weird thing? He wouldn't say the name of the movie (after later investigation, I found out it was probably The Hitman's Bodyguard) and just described it very vaguely.

Not surprising now that I look back on it, everyone that he invited either backed out or said they were busy. I was left alone with him, and I was freaking out.

We chatted and I eventually compromised and had us hang at a cafe after school. I don't live in town, so I couldn't exactly just walk home whenever I wanted, so I was stuck. I was litterally shaking the entire time, and all I wanted to do was get away. We didn't have much in common to talk about, so I was usually talked over by him as he went on and on, and then showed me memes that I personally didn't find funny. He was a writer, but did more "mashing existing stories together" than actual original work. I have no problem with that, but I do more original work. We both like reading and anime, but we don't watch the same shows or read the same genres. It was just…I needed out. My mom texted me and I used that as an excuse to leave.

AAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDD here comes the text messages. I'll just… I'll just show you a few screenshots.

I eventually started ignoring him, so this is all I got:

(I actually dropped my phone in the toilet, so that "i broke my phone" is actually valid)

And then it got weird…

He proceeds with the bugging… (fyi, I hate people bugging me because of a previous "friendship")

Some time after that, I got fed up and tried to politely tell him that I didn't want him talking to me or that I didn't want to hang out with him.

He seemed to take it alright:

Until he started to do it again after leaving me alone. I did this THREE TIMES, and he still wouldn't leave me alone. He ate with me at lunch and wouldn't stop bugging me while I was eating and blatantly ignoring him. Angel shipped it until I showed her the screenshots and some more convos, but there's a lot so I'm not going to put them all up here. She then did her best to keep him away from me, which failed. The dude didn't know how to take a hint. I felt bad and couldn't bring myself to just…I don't know. I could barely talk to him without wanting to be away, but I was still friendly? It was weird.

I eventually got a fellow Notebooker to help me, let's call him Avery. I used him as a fake boyfriend to keep Craig away, and it worked for some time. He was PISSED at me for having a boyfriend. You should've seen his face when Angel brought it up around him. He gave me a death glare.

Fast forward to recent events. Craig asked a girl out and was rejected. He went right back to me with the same creepy shit. He'd look at me with that typical creeper stare halfway behind a wall. I stopped eating lunch for some time because I just couldn't bring myself to eat—still having issues, but that's besides the point—and he brought up my "boyfriend" numerous times and threatened to get Avery and have him make me eat. It was just…weird. And then he rattled on and on about Avery and whatnot. It was all creepy but I was half listening.

That's the big parts. There were also some creepy red flags that slowly popped up here and there. Craig would mostly talk to girls—our gym group was all girls besides him—and I had a few people tell me to run away while I could. He said that he'd carry me and Angel on his back just because we said we're tired. He keeps saying that he'll kidnap us and take us to some restaurant just because we're hungry. Some other creeper shit.

Even more recent events had him bugging me for my phone number so he could, and I quote, "bug you all Summer because I'm getting rid of Facebook." (fyi, he's still on Facebook). I straight up told him NO, I hate being bugged. He laughed it off and went on with his day. Next day arrives, and he does the same shit. Once again, I said NO, I HATE being bugged and I will ignore your ass if you bug me. Once again, he took it as a joke and wouldn't let off.

I just… *sigh*
I'll have to deal with him at lunch next year as well, and he clearly stated that he was going to bug me all lunch. He fucking PROUD of his shit. He proudly states that he texts me every day.

I'm sorry, but even if you're a nice person, I won't respond if you text me constantly and seek attention as if my life revolves around you.

Deleted user

I hope you'll be alright! Anything I can do to help?

@ElderGod-kirky group

I'm more frustrated and creeped out than anything, and anything short of telling him off and/or getting a restraining order might not do anything. He has a really thick skull.


Mmm you're so kind about it too.
"sorry," "it's nothing personal," "yeah, we can be friends," "it's okay, i don't really text people"

ughghhghhg imma go with crocs and kick. His. Ass. I kinda wish you just blocked him. Or chewed and fucking called him out on it. Wow I'm actually really pissed. I hope you get him off your back, Circe.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I eventually put him on "Ignore" which basically means he can still text me, but i don't get any notifs and he doesn't know when I look at his messages. He also doesn't know that i put him on Ignore.

I unfriended him as well, which apparently did jack shit because he still texted me

@ElderGod-kirky group

OH! I forgot to mention this bit, thanks Trix for reminding me.

So Angel's boyfriend took her phone and texted Craig, telling him to leave his girlfriend the fuck alone and stop texting her, then proceeded to block Craig—still Angel's phone. She didn't have a problem with it because A) She knows Craig is a creep and B) They had an agreement where she could text and block whoever she wanted on his phone and vice-versa, as it was mainly chicks/dudes texting them all flirtatious and whatnot.

Craig them borderline DEMANDS that Angel unblock him so he could text her over the summer. He kept bugging her about it EVERY FUCKING DAY. She even told him that she and her boyfriend had such an agreement. He just blew by that as if it didn't matter.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh jeez. See I was thinking a super crush, but this boy is no good. If you tell him really obviously what’s up and he still bugs you cut him out of your life. And get help to do so if necessary l

Deleted user

Why don't you just block him instead of ignoring him? If he makes you that uncomfortable you should just avoid it all at any cost.
Not to mention get adults involved…

@ElderGod-kirky group

It's more than just online, it's irl as well. I've tried telling my parents and a family friend of ours, but my mom feels bad for him more than anything and says she needs to meet him first—a hell no—and the family friend just jokes about it.

@ElderGod-kirky group

i did block him, so that might help. I refused to give him my number, thank GODS, so he doesn't have that either. I once gave him my address when we were doing the movie night, so I don't know if he'll just pop up to hang out. He's mentioned doing that a few times.


Mmm at least he can't communicate to you for a couple months. Unless he does randomly pop up. In that case, just… tell it to him straight. No beating around the bush or being kind. Tell him to leave you alone, you're not interested, go away. If it happens again, tell an adult.
Also, show your parents those screenshots sometime.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I just might have to if he doesn't back off. And as for showing my parents, my mom is well aware of this situation, but as I said, she says she needs to meet him first.