forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

What do you guys think of age restrictions?

Like both drinking and smoking are now both 21.
Driving 16.

Also, what do you think of it being different in most other countries?

Deleted user

oh hey Colorado is working on legalizing hallucinogenic mushrooms, what do you all think of that?

Deleted user

I guess today's topics are drugs and the like. lol

Deleted user

I think casual drugs should be legal. Not the ones that can and will fuck you sideways until the second coming.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The moment you can’t make mistakes it is because the gov is controlling you. The only way that will work out well is if the gov always knows everything and is always good. Based off the track record that will never happen. Remember when the gov tried to force people to do what was right at the 18th amendment? They literally tried to poison the people that disagreed with them. And killed more Americans than the American soldiers that died on the battlefields of WWl!