forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Yep he's just really dark skinned in bad lighting lmaoooo

and hey it's not his fault he takes care of his teeth mkay


Nope, it’s all just racism
Everyone’s racist
That’s the only possible explanation
Racism is the explanation for everything
You know it’s true cause Buzzfeed probably said it once


Alright, hate to bring this topic back, but Slazo has officially confirmed in a text to a friend that these events did happen and he's completely guilty.

…Yeah, I'm removing his merch from my wishlist


I have, but unfortunately most of them haven't uploaded in weeks. glares at Joinen, the guy who promised if his channel ever got big, he'd never ever abandon it, yet hasn't posted in a month

Deleted user

He's kind of hard to explain. It's mostly about popular memes or reddit stuff


Well, have you ever heard of Danny Gonzalez? Or Drew Gooden, both do somewhat the same thing but like, last I checked, neither had sexually assaulted their exs

@HighPockets group

What about P.M. Seymour? You'd probably really like him, Ella, he does Tumblr posts, fun facts, shower thoughts, etc. and is great at doing voices!