forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

I wrote about a small family's life being ruined by a fire lmao

@Pickles group

My sister's first story started off with a girl named Athena putting her book down, taking a bath, and coming back to find her book missing. I don't remember what mine was. I kinda started a bunch at once

@HighPockets group

I wrote about a small family's life being ruined by a fire lmao

Dude so did I!! The dream sequence was about when the MC's house was torched lmao

Deleted user

I don’t think I’m going to mention mine

Youuuuu should

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

My first serious story was about a girl who could make her imagination come real, and her grandpa was part of an organization who wanted to steal every child's imagination. Her grandma was in the opposite organization, however. Oh, and the girl had an alive doll.


I don’t think I’m going to mention mine

Youuuuu should

Nooooo it needs to diiieeeeeeee and never be mentioned again, my brain can only lose so many cells trying to read it before it completely gives uppp

Deleted user

I don’t think I’m going to mention mine

Youuuuu should

Nooooo it needs to diiieeeeeeee and never be mentioned again, my brain can only lose so many cells trying to read it before it completely gives uppp

Oh come onnnnnnn I bet I've read worse. peer pressure

Okay I'll cut chu a deal

If you tell us the basis of what happened in your story, I'll give you what I think is the worst clip of my first story.

@HighPockets group

I don’t think I’m going to mention mine

Youuuuu should

Nooooo it needs to diiieeeeeeee and never be mentioned again, my brain can only lose so many cells trying to read it before it completely gives uppp

Oh come onnnnnnn I bet I've read worse. peer pressure

Okay I'll cut chu a deal

If you tell us the basis of what happened in your story, I'll give you what I think is the worst clip of my first story.

Pops popcorn and waits for the entertainment

Deleted user

I don’t think I’m going to mention mine

Youuuuu should

Nooooo it needs to diiieeeeeeee and never be mentioned again, my brain can only lose so many cells trying to read it before it completely gives uppp

Oh come onnnnnnn I bet I've read worse. peer pressure

Okay I'll cut chu a deal

If you tell us the basis of what happened in your story, I'll give you what I think is the worst clip of my first story.

Pops popcorn and waits for the entertainment

Swishes wine like one of those big Italian-mafia people

@HighPockets group

I don’t think I’m going to mention mine

Youuuuu should

Nooooo it needs to diiieeeeeeee and never be mentioned again, my brain can only lose so many cells trying to read it before it completely gives uppp

Oh come onnnnnnn I bet I've read worse. peer pressure

Okay I'll cut chu a deal

If you tell us the basis of what happened in your story, I'll give you what I think is the worst clip of my first story.

Pops popcorn and waits for the entertainment

Swishes wine like one of those big Italian-mafia people

Drapes across piano with a glass of wine inhand, sighing like a Victorian-era lady dying of tuberculosis

@Moxie group

Your first story???

Oh wait
Well kinda ish?
It’s my first novel but it’s also the one I’m writing rn
My first story was an Aztec girl waking up and greeting the current sun god. It was a historical fiction assignment for English that I ran with


Alright fine. You win.

My first story was a fanfiction, a My Little Pony fanfiction. But not just any MLP fanfiction, in this story, Pinkie Pie was a superhero with every single superpower ever who could travel through different universes (Marvel, Legend Of Zelda, even that Lego movie from 2010 that no one ever liked… It all makes perfect sense) accompanied by her… Children, and all my old stuffed animals. And the best part about it? I was maybe 6-7 when I wrote it, so you know it's high quality with only the best spelling/grammar.

I wrote the third book before even finishing the second, I was too lazy to name planets so I just called them "nothingness", I was too innocent to understand how babies work, and… Okay, you guys have brains, I don't need to point out why this is bad, I'll just show you:

(The original story included some glorious MS paint art that was supposed to represent the style of classic MLP, so I found the drawings on my old computer and added them in for your entertainment. :) )

Book 1:

one day a unicorn queen named rarity was haveing a baby. her husband, starcacher, was flying up to the clouds with rarity on his back. when they were on the clouds. rarity got off starcacher and soon she had her baby. as soon as the baby was born, she flew off the clouds on starcacher. the baby's name was pinkie pie. she had to explore the clouds and jump off the cloud before her 6 hour timer runs out. so, she went to explore. on the way she met link. soon, they became the best of friends. then, a 5 year old was being mean to link, and then pinkie came. she saw link was in trouble and she was so strong she scared off the 5 year old. and soon the big minute came. then link jumped on her back to go down to explore ponyville. soon pinkie realized she had wings and a horn! so, she jumped off, spread out her wings and flew down with her friend. she was a very good flyer! they had a party. a pony's cutie mark is created by the first thing they do when they jump off the clouds, so pinkie got ballons. when she was 1, she saw a hero named thor, he saved her life. (only because she was cute and small, orelse she woldve saved herself.) when she was 2, though, she got struck by lightning. she was ok, in fact, she got special powers: she was as fast as lightning, she could shoot fireballs, she was heat resistant, she could become invisible, when she gets mad she becomes an AWESOME fire monster. but the bad thing is, she can not be cold, wet or shot with an arrow or as you probably have already figured out: she will die. after she got those abilities, she met three magical talking animals: flower, bess, and honey. they had powers too, to heal themselves, but that was useless because they were invincible. so pinkie taught them how to heal others, and by "heal" she found out that they really meant bring themselves back to life when they were DEAD! so they helped pinkie survive the winters, and there was almost no problems in ponyville ever again.

                                                       the end.

Book 2:

one day, pinkie pie was strolling along the galaxies in her space rider (invisible rocketship powered by light) looking for an undiscovered planet. when she saw the milky way, no other pony had before! she named it the starry hole. knew she would find a planet there! & she saw jupiter, (she named it "redy planet") saturn, (she named it "precious") neptune, (she named it "dolphin planet") & all the other planets, but she loved earth the most. (she had no idea what to name it though, so she called it "nothingness2" nothingness1 is pinkies planet) she wanted to name this weird galaxy, so she called it "the starry hole galaxy" she wanted to visit each one in case she would find something. & when she visited nothingness2, she had a big suprise! huge buildings, lots of wierd slow thingys (cars at lightning's point of view) and even slower LIVING thingys, (humans) but soon she saw iron man, captain america & all the other avengers. she slowly landed her rocket behind a trash can, but the avengers spotted her almost INSTANTLY! (its hard not to spot you when you light the building behind you on fire)

                                                                                             the end.                 

Book 3:

chapter 1~ sappire star~ one day pinkie was doing her daliy duty of protecting ponyville when she rembered she was supposed to go to the clouds to have a baby. When she got there she had one cute Little blue unicorn baby with a brown mane and tail. "she is so cute!" said pinkie. She named her sappire star.

chapter 2~ danger~ when she got home she wanted to tell the others about how protecting ponyville went but she wanted to help her baby learn how to use her tiny little horn to do magic first. but as soon as she finished someone broke in, and set the house on fire. that would not be a bad thing becuse fire heals pinkie. but her kids are not the same. "girls, come here! we all have to get out!" said pinkie. to escape, pinkie had to break a window, grab all three of her kids, and jump out of the house. that is a lot of danger.

chapter 3~ not safe~
pinkie had to get some ponys to take care of her kids wile she was gone getting food from the berry bush and helping her pets at the farm getting milk and eggs from the cows and chickens. it was fun, but she had to make sure that she did not get hurt. she knew that her kids were fine. but that same guy came in, and pinkie lost all her powers! and he was going to kill her! "help!" shouted pinkie. no one heard her. that, is not safe.

chapter 4~ the story of kids~
but then a thing that was good and bad happened to pinkie, it was her kids! they were comeing to save her! that is the good thing, the bad thing is they are not very good at it yet. and pinkie was stuck, with no powers, and running as far as possible. she must have been very lucky becuse the first thing sappire learned was how to give pinkie her powers back! and sappire did it! that, is the story of kids.

                                                                    the end.

…As you can see, I was an absolute genius in the field of writing even at a young age and these stories are basically flawless in every way possible.

There was also a theater play script for the first Pinkie Pie story but I never finished it out of laziness.
I then went on to write another story about some girl in the middle of the apocalypse trying to fight with nothing but a bow and arrow and her fairy companion, but I deleted that after my sister told me it was the worst thing she'd ever read.
Then there was my first real attempt at writing, I was about 9 years old, it's still really bad but at least I tried, I can find it if you guys want. Can't remember what it's about because it went in 48 different directions all at once-
And then there was my detective story that ended up being an awful copy of Nancy Drew, I still have it saved in a google doc, my best friend and I laugh at it every once in a while.

@Moxie group

That was incredible. My favorite parts were "as you probably have already figured out: she will die.", "when she rembered she was supposed to go to the clouds to have a baby.", "that is a lot of danger.", and "that, is not safe."
Iconic, I loved it