forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I know I low key started rereading this week

Deleted user

What is?

The covers of The Toll and Crescent City

Deleted user

I know I'm late, but I'm a proud Wisconsinite and let me just say
WI is one creepy place

Deleted user

I'm thinking Wisconsin may be a crossroads. XD

Deleted user

Ley lines are apparent alignments of landmarks, religious sites, and man-made structures. The pseudoscientific belief that these apparent lines are not accidental speculates that they are straight navigable paths and have spiritual significance.

Pretty much they are the 'spiritual lines of power' that crisscross over the earth. The crossroads of Ley Lines are said to be where the veil between worlds is thinnest, creating little vortexes of unexplainable phenomena. Supposedly crossroads can be used as portals to other Ley Line points.

Deleted user

Fucking bitches I hate these morons jävla idioter they have literally no self respect damn it I hate them skitstövlar we fuckin spent five freaking hours on that cake those bastards dishonor on their cows FUCK

(I am talking about a couple of selfish jerks in my class, nothing against anyone on here)

Deleted user

I just needed to get some anger out thanks I’ll leave now

Deleted user

I want to fucking punch something (sorry about all this but I really need to get some anger out so that I don’t actually punch someone)

Deleted user

My god so two people in my biology class are being super uber stupid.

So the girl, I'll call her K, basically sells Juul refills (no I don't know the prices specifically, but I've seen people pay her). But there's this one guy, who I know pretty well, I'll call him J, that buys it off of her and refills it really close to the teacher and it's like???
Then they see me looking/glaring at them (cus I look around a lot), then they're like "Don't tell" and ???

Idk it's stupid as hell

@Pickles group

IKR?!?! like, there are people in the front rows that do that and me and all my friends are like ?? wyd dumb? Its so stupid and I don't understand it at all. There was a guy that was like, Im gonna buy a juul right before they make them illegal just so I have one hahaha I'm so cool. (idk what happened with the legality or anything. I don't pay attention to the news


Y'know what I hate? Now, this sin;t directed immediately at anyone on this chat, but I'm feeling bitchy today so I'm ranting.

When people in rps completely disregard ruled you've set up about a universe, or things you literally said two posts ago. Like, there was a reason I mentioned that specific thing, or decided on THAT, and now you're literally contradicting it and throwing it away.

I'll mention something a character is doing, too, and somebody'll literally mention my character, but doing SOMETHING ELSE. Like, no, what the fuck. You've got your own character to puppet, so back the fuck off for the love of god. And the worst part is that I never have the guts to point any of this out or something, so I just have to sit there and suffer through watching my ideas be remodeled. It's such a petty thing, but damn, it does not feel good.