forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@HighPockets group

crackin' open a cold one with the boys

  • Dolokhov, chugging a bottle of rum while sitting with his legs dangling out the window
    Yes this was an actual scene in the book

Deleted user

Also I really want a hardback of Les Miz.

making it even more of a brick??? insanity.

Deleted user

Why do books cost so much?

more like….why do I have to wait so long for all the new ones to be finished and published? I want them noooooow

@HighPockets group

Why do books cost so much?

more like….why do I have to wait so long for all the new ones to be finished and published? I want them noooooow

More like "I have SoC and CK in softcover and I want to have a matching set so I can't buy KoS until it's a paperback like next year" and "I want that Star Wars book but the hardcover is expensive and the softcover is mass market paperback size"

Deleted user

How many peeps are going to be able to vote next year?

Deleted user

Same. This political insanity has intrigued me enough to pay attention.

@HighPockets group

Yeah I won't be 18 until 2022 but since I have a spring birthday I should be able to vote then, but it won't be another presidential election until 2024

Deleted user

Do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

At least to get the morning off from work.

Deleted user

Hopefully yall are voting for the good stuff. ;D