forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Pickles group

sounds pretty….lame. But everyone likes what they like so whatevs

Almost all Christian movies are lame. Which gave birth to the all too common Christian Movies (TM).

That's why they resorted to telling them with vegetables :P

That also went down the drain recently

@HighPockets group

sounds pretty….lame. But everyone likes what they like so whatevs

Almost all Christian movies are lame. Which gave birth to the all too common Christian Movies (TM).

That's why they resorted to telling them with vegetables :P

That also went down the drain recently

The new animation


@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I like the action-y ones about saints, but not the miracle ones, just because I tend to lean towards darker films in general and they tend to be too sweet for me.

Wait what? That's a thing?!

According to Formed. I haven't seen it yet, but there's a 3 hour long movie about the absolute badass that is Joan of Arc.


I did a paper on her in 5th grade, and she is my rolemodel

@HighPockets group

I like the action-y ones about saints, but not the miracle ones, just because I tend to lean towards darker films in general and they tend to be too sweet for me.

Wait what? That's a thing?!

According to Formed. I haven't seen it yet, but there's a 3 hour long movie about the absolute badass that is Joan of Arc.


I did a paper on her in 5th grade, and she is my rolemodel

She's my confirmation saint

@HighPockets group

Once when I was in 4th grade we watched a movie about Jesus's life and it was told through claymation which makes me kind of uncomfortable and it was like 3 hours long and yeah
Do not recommend if you don't like those weird-ass marionette demons

@Pickles group

They did a Joseph one too but I can't remember the name? I remember it being good though

Joseph: King of Dreams? DreamWorks?

@HighPockets group

They did a Joseph one too but I can't remember the name? I remember it being good though

Joseph: King of Dreams? DreamWorks?

Yep that's the one

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Once when I was in 4th grade we watched a movie about Jesus's life and it was told through claymation which makes me kind of uncomfortable and it was like 3 hours long and yeah
Do not recommend if you don't like those weird-ass marionette demons

This sounds terrifying

Deleted user

I think the only christian film I have seen was Passion of the Christ…. and I had to watch it in class for religious studies.

@Pickles group

I remember going to church on Good Friday and being terrified so I hid under a blanket on the ground and listened to an audiobook

@HighPockets group

Once when I was in 4th grade we watched a movie about Jesus's life and it was told through claymation which makes me kind of uncomfortable and it was like 3 hours long and yeah
Do not recommend if you don't like those weird-ass marionette demons

This sounds terrifying

It was.
I can't watch movies with certain types of animation because they make me so uncomfortable (Coraline, TNBC, etc.)

Deleted user

The Nightmare Before Christmas is my favorite movie of all time. :O

@Mojack group

I love The Nightmare Before Christmas. Got it recently on itunes I believe around Christmas because there were some really good deals around that time.

My favourite movie, however might be a movie that isn't out yet (I'll have to watch it before I can decide what my favourite movie truly is) but I'll be seeing in 1 week after a 5 year long wait is Godzilla: King of the Monsters. Otherwise, I don't really know my favourite movie lol. I have a lot of movies I like in general.