forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


I've always liked the idea that the interpretation of her as a demon is purposeful, to sorta dull the fact that her refusal to bend to Adam's will was huge.


Well if I remember correctly she was the first woman created, but when she wanted to be Adam’s equal instead of his lesser she was cast out and replaced by Eve

@HighPockets group

The reason Eve was made from Adam's rib was to show she wasn't his superior or his inferior, but his equal. That's why she wasn't made from his skull or his foot.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Yeah. The only reason why God said she was "under Adam" was because of the whole fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, and the New Testament has a lot of equality between men and women.

Deleted user

I've always liked the idea that the interpretation of her as a demon is purposeful, to sorta dull the fact that her refusal to bend to Adam's will was huge.

exactly this

Deleted user

Lilith was created from the same 'dust' that created Adam, so she was his equal, but he refused to acknowledge her and wanted her 'under' him in all ways. (Yes I'm referring to the do) My girl Lilith was a bit more adventurous and wanted to take the reins in that regard instead of boring old missionary. (can't blame her there) But she also wanted to be acknowledged for who she was, not something as 'lesser' than anything else.


I think they're from older versions of the bible, but I'm not sure? I can't go look anything up right now, but I'm kinda interested to see what anyone else finds.

Deleted user

Technically she is much older than the bible. Although Judaism was the first to label her the first wife of Adam.


If you did some digging, you could probably find a bunch of articles and sources for both sides of the coin, honestly. That's just how a lot of debates/topics work

Deleted user

Interesting article. I would hardly say cannonically correct but that was a great history piece.

Let's not forget that the Bible can hardly be canonical as well, senor.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Interesting article. I would hardly say cannonically correct but that was a great history piece.

Let's not forget that the Bible can hardly be canonical as well, senor.

Cannon as it to the tradition. Like as a fanfic is not cannon. I didn't say historically accurate.

Deleted user

But it is tradition to Judaism and Babylonian cultures.

Deleted user

Fascinating fun fact: There would be no such thin as computers without the existence of Alan Turing and his invention that broke the Enigma code during WW2.

He was gay.

Deleted user

Yeah he was also put under intense chemical treatment for it and it literally led him to suicide, thanks Britian.