forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers


Oh my gosh my algebra teacher just asked us if arabic numerals should be taught in school and everyone immediately protested and I just sat there because arabic numerals are literally what we learn and I found it funny that they didn't realize that. He looked at me and was like "I don't think they know what arabic numerals are" cuz I know what they are so I was just confused at everyone else's reactions. Anyway yeah good morning

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Okay, I'm gonna tell you guys about something that legit just happened.
I had gotten into a debate with a dude about whether or not there was a woman before Eve in the Bible, and he slammed his hand down on the desk, stood up (all red in the face) and said I was interrupting him all the time (but he was the one doing it to me, I was actually trying to be civil). and then said, I quote:

"You pussy ass motherfucking bitch!"

The teacher then ran across the room and pulled all the way down to the dean of student's office. People in classes on the other end of the hall heard him, and the entire class had fallen silent.

Deleted user

Oh Im very colorful when it comes to insults. :D

Deleted user

Lilith was first after all. Everyone knows that

Deleted user

Mother of Demons.
Way cooler than Eve and more intelligent and willful than Adam.