forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user


I grossly misinterpreted. My apologies.


They’re all filmed in the same style, often make no logical sense, have the most painfully cheery intros, have the most ridiculous characters, everything is “based on a true story,” and they’re so damn abrasive at this point it hurts me to watch them

@Pickles group

That's because most of them are made by the same people. And about the same thing. And they're based on true stories so you know they aren't making stuff up. And they're based on true stories so they don't get to make up time characters

Deleted user

……………………..? those are actually a thing?

@HighPockets group

I like the action-y ones about saints, but not the miracle ones, just because I tend to lean towards darker films in general and they tend to be too sweet for me.

Deleted user

sounds pretty….lame. But everyone likes what they like so whatevs

@Pickles group

I like the action-y ones about saints, but not the miracle ones, just because I tend to lean towards darker films in general and they tend to be too sweet for me.

Wait what? That's a thing?!

@HighPockets group

I like the action-y ones about saints, but not the miracle ones, just because I tend to lean towards darker films in general and they tend to be too sweet for me.

Wait what? That's a thing?!

According to Formed. I haven't seen it yet, but there's a 3 hour long movie about the absolute badass that is Joan of Arc.

@HighPockets group

sounds pretty….lame. But everyone likes what they like so whatevs

Almost all Christian movies are lame. Which gave birth to the all too common Christian Movies (TM).

That's why they resorted to telling them with vegetables :P

@Pickles group

I like the action-y ones about saints, but not the miracle ones, just because I tend to lean towards darker films in general and they tend to be too sweet for me.

Wait what? That's a thing?!

According to Formed. I haven't seen it yet, but there's a 3 hour long movie about the absolute badass that is Joan of Arc.