forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Wdym? Oh the terms like okay. Yea I don't remember specific words for what happened but I know they injected estrogen and it f u c k e d him up, considering the male body can't have more estrogen than what it already has. It messed with his emotions a whole lot too, I think.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

This does a better job than I could.

"I enjoyed the film, but perhaps not as much as you. I'd say there were several 4-star performances in what was, for me, a 3-star film. Turing's life, death and his accomplishments furnish an incredible amount of material for a feature film. Fashioning a satisfying film from all of the available material is a challenge, especially due to the temptation to include too much. I think the director here might have better resisted temptation, because various ideas and themes fly by the viewer, with just a few actually making conscious contact.

The major irritant for me in this film was Turing's sexual orientation. He was gay, so am I; but in the real world, that should make no difference to anyone. The film seemed to say, we are so much more enlightened now, because it's ok to be gay. Well, gee, thanks. It's also ok to be human…

…Giving Turing a gay backstory, while true, adds nothing. We know he was gay, we don't need to know why. And if we didn't know he was gay, that should not matter at all in our reaction to what was done to him. Mixing all of these elements makes a tasty stew, as in this film. However there is a more compelling film waiting to be made."

@Pickles group

Chemical castration, for those interested. It's not surgery, and is considered reversible, but it screws you up pretty bad. They use it on sex offenders, it seems
Also, I had no idea there's something opposite of aphrodosiacs called anaphrodosiacs. Neat, I guess insert the "the more you know" thing

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

My point is not "don't spoil movies by making them gay". I respect the right of a director to make anything they want. I just am stressing the point that it shouldn't be such a big deal as to take over the story. (Except in films such as "Love, Simon" as it was the pivot point.)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Chemical castration, for those interested. It's not surgery, and is considered reversible, but it screws you up pretty bad. They use it on sex offenders, it seems
Also, I had no idea there's something opposite of aphrodosiacs called anaphrodosiacs. Neat, I guess insert the "the more you know" thing

Interesting. I approve.

Deleted user

Chemical castration, for those interested. It's not surgery, and is considered reversible, but it screws you up pretty bad. They use it on sex offenders, it seems
Also, I had no idea there's something opposite of aphrodosiacs called anaphrodosiacs. Neat, I guess insert the "the more you know" thing

Interesting. I approve.

Same. I didn't know that.

@Pickles group


@Pickles group

It's just….weird. it freaked me out (because I'm wimpy and overly dramatic) and is it really necessary to use them on animals? Like it might be, so if y'all know why, lemme know

@Pickles group

I need advice. So my friend is a senior, so I'm not going to see her after her graduation party, and she recommended a book to me but it's really not great. Do I tell her I don't like it, do I dance around the line and not talk about it, do I lie? And yes, I would have gone somewhere else if I thought they would tell me something other than to tell her what she wants to hear regardless of if they thought that was the right thing to do or not.

Deleted user

I feel like she should be understanding that you didn't like it. Honesty is the best policy.

Deleted user

My point is not "don't spoil movies by making them gay". I respect the right of a director to make anything they want. I just am stressing the point that it shouldn't be such a big deal as to take over the story. (Except in films such as "Love, Simon" as it was the pivot point.)

The movie was spoiled at all by the fact that he was gay. It's was his life, they can't just take that part out because that would be false representation.
Besides it was a big deal that he was gay. His relationship and feelings for his childhood friend is what got him into the business (code breaking) that made it capable for him to create the Turing Machine and pretty much father theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence, therefore saving millions of lives in WWII. In no part did it take over the story, because the story where he is a gay man…..was actually his life.

The movie was about Alan not his many accomplishments. It was literally called the "Imitation Game" which is explained on how computers can/are able to imitate human thinking, but it's also about how Alan had to imitate others, specifically straight men, so that he would be safe and he could continue to do his work.

I don't understand why this is such a debate? The movie was fantastic, no need to bring it down because you have a problem with homosexuality.

Deleted user

Wow well guess what butter cup


Deleted user

I'm lost now too.

Don't chu 'ouch' at me! Tis the truth, senor. :P