forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Meh, I don't really pay attention to the different personal aspects of a candidate due to the fact I honestly don't care about that stuff.
I'm a Gen Z and I would vote for Trump.

Well you should care because these policies will have an impact on your life when you are an adult.

Also- that's pretty insane to vote for a proven pedophile, racist, and overall morally corrupt person, but I digress.

Well, he has been trying to do everything he said he would do when he ran for the presidency, which is a lot in my book.

Yeah but is it good stuff?

To me, yes. Many other countries have border walls. Also, why shouldn't we kick illegal immegrants out? Why should we award them for breaking our laws? And I swear to God if I hear someone compare to the Berlin Wall one more time I am going to vomit

Deleted user

Okay, I need to rant.

When someone gives you a drawing, you do not, under any circumstance, erase anything on the fucking drawing! Just because you don't like their style isn't reason to erase something they put fucking hard work into!! Just ask them if they could change it a bit, don't do it yourself! What if it was on purpose?! I swear to god if my friend does it one more time I am going to burn all of her sketchbooks and her fucking Attack on Titan Levi merch! I will pile it all up, douse it with gasoline, and have a fucking bonfire!!

kill them

Deleted user


Deleted user

no just burn her

people like that cannot reproduce

Deleted user

Meh, I don't really pay attention to the different personal aspects of a candidate due to the fact I honestly don't care about that stuff.
I'm a Gen Z and I would vote for Trump.

Well you should care because these policies will have an impact on your life when you are an adult.

Also- that's pretty insane to vote for a proven pedophile, racist, and overall morally corrupt person, but I digress.

Well, he has been trying to do everything he said he would do when he ran for the presidency, which is a lot in my book.

Yeah but is it good stuff?

To me, yes. Many other countries have border walls. Also, why shouldn't we kick illegal immegrants out? Why should we award them for breaking our laws?
And I swear to God if I hear someone compare to the Berlin Wall one more time I am going to vomit

We talked about immigration a few pages back. I think you should read those pages and think about how lucky you are not live in a war ravaged, poor as dirt, dictatorship in which your only hope for a better life for your family is escaping said country. Honestly. Immigrants aren't evil or coming over to do evil things. Just think about it for a moment. Compassion is one of the greatest gifts you can give to someone.

What is the point of living in a country of abundance if we cannot share it with those in need?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Meh, I don't really pay attention to the different personal aspects of a candidate due to the fact I honestly don't care about that stuff.
I'm a Gen Z and I would vote for Trump.

Well you should care because these policies will have an impact on your life when you are an adult.

Also- that's pretty insane to vote for a proven pedophile, racist, and overall morally corrupt person, but I digress.

Well, he has been trying to do everything he said he would do when he ran for the presidency, which is a lot in my book.

Yeah but is it good stuff?

To me, yes. Many other countries have border walls. Also, why shouldn't we kick illegal immegrants out? Why should we award them for breaking our laws?
And I swear to God if I hear someone compare to the Berlin Wall one more time I am going to vomit

We talked about immigration a few pages back. I think you should read those pages and think about how lucky you are not live in a war ravaged, poor as dirt, dictatorship in which your only hope for a better life for your family is escaping said country. Honestly. Immigrants aren't evil or coming over to do evil things. Just think about it for a moment. Compassion is one of the greatest gifts you can give to someone.

What is the point of living in a country of abundance if we cannot share it with those in need?

There are legal ways to enter the country, and people not going about it this way are making it harder for everyone else. Also, I'm all for compassion, but to support the idea of not dealing with illegal immigrants, who don't pay taxes like citizens and are thus only taking from our country, seems a far stretch. I'm all for helping people in war-ravaged, poverty-stricken countries, but we need to do it in a way as to protect everyone, not just them.

Deleted user

Again, read the pages in which we talked about it.
I'm not a fan of regurgitating facts anymore.

@HighPockets group

You speak like a politician.

Thank you?
It's my dream to take over the world, so I should be able to speak with slimy efficiency.

All the time I find myself liking you more.

"I was born for politics. I have great hair and love lying."

Deleted user

You speak like a politician.

Thank you?
It's my dream to take over the world, so I should be able to speak with slimy efficiency.

All the time I find myself liking you more.

I am Goddess, darling, it would be impossible for you not to like me. ;)

Deleted user

You speak like a politician.

Thank you?
It's my dream to take over the world, so I should be able to speak with slimy efficiency.

All the time I find myself liking you more.

"I was born for politics. I have great hair and love lying."

Can–can I put this on a tshirt?

@HighPockets group

You speak like a politician.

Thank you?
It's my dream to take over the world, so I should be able to speak with slimy efficiency.

All the time I find myself liking you more.

"I was born for politics. I have great hair and love lying."

Can–can I put this on a tshirt?

It's a B99 quote, it's probably already on one
Ironically I've never seen B99 and I know that quote only from Incorrect Star Wars Quotes

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

You speak like a politician.

Thank you?
It's my dream to take over the world, so I should be able to speak with slimy efficiency.

All the time I find myself liking you more.

I am Goddess, darling, it would be impossible for you not to like me. ;)

"Oh my fair one. Did you think you were the first goddess I met? That your power could conquer me? Not so. The goddesses I once knew now lie forgotten in the ashes of their temples."

@Moxie group

You speak like a politician.

Thank you?
It's my dream to take over the world, so I should be able to speak with slimy efficiency.

All the time I find myself liking you more.

"I was born for politics. I have great hair and love lying."

Can–can I put this on a tshirt?

It's a B99 quote, it's probably already on one
Ironically I've never seen B99 and I know that quote only from Incorrect Star Wars Quotes

you should watch ittttttt

@Moxie group

You speak like a politician.

Thank you?
It's my dream to take over the world, so I should be able to speak with slimy efficiency.

All the time I find myself liking you more.

I am Goddess, darling, it would be impossible for you not to like me. ;)

"Oh my fair one. Did you think you were the first goddess I met? That your power could conquer me? Not so. The goddesses I once knew now lie forgotten in the ashes of their temples."

you guys are so extra

Deleted user

Yea well… I'm an adult. :P I get a pass for being extra

@HighPockets group

You speak like a politician.

Thank you?
It's my dream to take over the world, so I should be able to speak with slimy efficiency.

All the time I find myself liking you more.

"I was born for politics. I have great hair and love lying."

Can–can I put this on a tshirt?

It's a B99 quote, it's probably already on one
Ironically I've never seen B99 and I know that quote only from Incorrect Star Wars Quotes

you should watch ittttttt

You seem to believe that I have free time lol

Deleted user

Teenagers– the world is not out to get you. You don't even pay taxes yet. Chillllllllllllllllllllllllll.
This has been a PSA