forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

It happens.

A starbucks barista pronounced my name wrong… but that was the extent of my annoyance for the weekend.

@HighPockets group

It happens.

A starbucks barista pronounced my name wrong… but that was the extent of my annoyance for the weekend.

How do you mispronounce Eris?
Lol I totally feel that, my name always gets mispronounced by people.

@HighPockets group



My name is always pronounced "Eevee" like I'm a Pokemon or something. No. It's "Eh-vee"

Deleted user

Idk names are weird. Especially if you have a not-so-common one. All my siblings and I are named after old gods. You'd think people would be more educated.

@HighPockets group

Honestly that's goals
If I ever kidnap or adopt kids or pets, I'm naming them after Star Wars characters. 2/5 have been so far (Jade and Snips)

Deleted user

Wait like Snips as an actual name or as a nickname? XD Gotta throw in my two cents and say that Asoka is a bit better

Deleted user


How do we feel about the new star wars films?

@HighPockets group

I saw a few of them and… Well… I found them kinda boring. Please don't kill me Star Wars fans

It's ok not everyone has good taste

@HighPockets group

You know what's awful?
Having a Pinterest board for a character and not being able to find a picture of someone who looks like they do.