forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

@Pickles group

Yeah the Winchester house was really pretty. It had all these beautiful plants inside and the grounds were gorgeous.

Sorry, I'm really late, but that sounds familiar. I didn't know what it was called though… Neat-o

Deleted user

They're usually old is my best guess

By that logic I'll get prettier the older I get. :P

Deleted user

Oh. lol my school looked like a prison in my opinion. It was one solid white square building. very few windows.

Deleted user

Dude, that's school for you.

this too. lol

Deleted user

Which is why if I decide to go back to school (again) I want to go to a university.

@HighPockets group

Oh. lol my school looked like a prison in my opinion. It was one solid white square building. very few windows.

One kid in my drama club literally yelled "I DID MY EDUCATION! 12 YEARS OF IT! IN THE AMERICAN PUBLIC EDUCATION SYSTEM!!" and I just went "And they won't even give us chocolate".

Deleted user

also, jynnie have you seen the cover of The Toll yet?