forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Pickles group

Because if your Uggs are dirty then there's no point in living because everyone will see them and be like ew, Becky couldn't even keep her boots clean what a fake

@HighPockets group

"Hi my name is Becky Darkness Dementia Raven Way and I have long, golden blonde hair (that's how I got my name!) and blue eyes. Some people tell me I look like [insert blonde white celebrity here]. I was walking through the woods with my MCR shirt and Uggs on when some zombies attacked me1! I put up my middle finger at them."

Deleted user

My eyes are fucking bleeding. I hate Becky even more now.

Deleted user

Also– why THE FUCK do people actually start their novels like that?

Deleted user

That is such a huge turn off for me that I actually vomit

Deleted user

”Hey, I’m [insert cliché name here] and this is the story of how I [insert cliché plot here].”


Something along the lines of Hannah, Sarah, Sophia(not Sofia, it's always the same spelling), and a last name like Flynn or Quinn or Davison

Deleted user


Well at least we know that no matter how weird our stories are–we still have a chance at getting published.

@HighPockets group

Not gonna lie my first story started with the cliche 'character wakes up and gets dressed' thing with a dreamlike prologue.
Thank the Lord I've gotten better at writing since age 13

Deleted user

I just looked at the beginning of my first story. This was it:

”I’m running. My lungs are burning like fires in my chest and my throat feels as raspy as a forest of thorns. I don’t even have to look behind me to know that they are still after me. Never that they would stop chasing someone like me. Never that they would stop chasing a redeyed.”

Deleted user

My first story actually started with a bizarre af dream sequence.


Mine started with a girl breaking out of a cabin she'd been locked in after being kidnapped. The writing was shit, but the premise wasn't horrible.