forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers


What a mood tbh

What bothers me is when you start a rp and you go through all the effort to get someone to join and you write out a bunch of good responses and either the other person leaves within page one for no reason or responds in nothing but one liners

Deleted user

OOOOOOh I feel this so hard.

What I hate is when you have a plot but the other person(s) responses do nothing to further said plot.

Deleted user

we fuckin spent five freaking hours on that cake those bastards dishonor on their cows FUCK

I laughed too hard at this.

Deleted user

we fuckin spent five freaking hours on that cake those bastards dishonor on their cows FUCK

I laughed too hard at this.

Glad to have entertained ya lol

Deleted user

I mean anyone that quotes Mushu is alright in my book.

Deleted user

Ahhhh the great mythical creature: A Decent Nights Sleep.
I've never seen one before.

@Mojack group

I've actually started getting them. I kind of have to though, because my mum is an extremely light sleeper and if I'm up at, let's say, 12 AM she tells me she heard me up last night.

What I dislike about RPs (well, more annoyed if anything) is when people leave/ Like I understand that sometimes you need to leave an RP but I guess it just annoys me because most of my RPs I make on here are reboots and the originals sometimes lasted months. I think there was even one that lasted a few years, but when I tried to reboot that one no one even joined. This isn't really directed at anyone, so I'm not trying to call anyone out here. I guess the site I RPed on a long time ago is quite different to Notebook in terms of roleplay.

Deleted user

Does anyone know any good RP sites other than this one?

@Mojack group

The only others that I actively used are now shut down. I've never really used discord for RP either that much since the people I have on there aren't really big RPers

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

OOOOOOh I feel this so hard.

What I hate is when you have a plot but the other person(s) responses do nothing to further said plot.

That's kind of what I think. One liners suck. And I have been culprit plenty of times. But something that doesn't add to the story is the worst.

Deleted user

It's the woooooooorst. Like come on, you can assume where the story is going, so roll with it

@HighPockets group

Like, it's 1 thing if it's the very beginning and it's supposed to be a slow-burn, but if the plot is "there was a zombie apocolypse yesterday and our families died" then I don't want to hear about what Becky is wearing, you know?

@HighPockets group

Unless a plot point is that Becky is wearing clothes that hinder her ability to fight/survive, I don't want to hear about her MCR shirt and her Uggs.

Deleted user

Idk who Becky is but her outfit choice sounds god-awful.

@HighPockets group

Anyone wearing that outfit deserves to be eaten by zombies lmao
But imagine being stranded in the woods, fighting zombies, and then a zombie in Uggs and a MCR shirt comes at you. I'd laugh so hard that I would drop my bat