forum Don't Be Suspicious
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I think that some people don’t realize that love isn’t always good. It may feel good, but it’s not always beneficial for those involved, and there are times when you love something that you shouldn’t love.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."


Back in the day that meant the right to own property. A far more important right. Which the government has stolen from us.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Happiness is a right. Living your life the way you want to is a right of freedom.
But she doesn't love you anymore, so you would force her to stay with you? That's….abuse.

But like I said earlier. That means denying me happiness is abuse. And so I do not think happiness is a right.
Is forcing you to pay off your credit card abuse?

Deleted user

Are you saying people don’t deserve happiness? When does the line stop? Who deserves happiness and who doesn’t ?

@HighPockets group

But why force somebody to stay with a person they don't love? What makes their happiness less valuable?

It's not about happiness meaning more or less. It's about someone keeping their word.

Well if 'keeping their word' is harmful, why force it? If someone swore that they would kill somebody and didn't keep their word, is that also bad because they broke their word?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But why force somebody to stay with a person they don't love? What makes their happiness less valuable?

It's not about happiness meaning more or less. It's about someone keeping their word.

Well if 'keeping their word' is harmful, why force it? If someone swore that they would kill somebody and didn't keep their word, is that also bad because they broke their word?

Because the thing they swore to in the beginning was immoral it is not the same situation.


I just jumped back into this chat and I'm guessing you're talking about divorce so:
Divorce is a good thing.

Would you like to argue your case?

If you are in a bad relationship, then you should get a divorce.

Deleted user

But you're suggesting that any relationship can be fixed. I was just clarifying, I didn't see your comment about it, sorry.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But you're suggesting that any relationship can be fixed. I was just clarifying, I didn't see your comment about it, sorry.

But I do think most relationships can be fixed. Even ones with abuse. Just that the chances of that are a lot more slim.

Deleted user

Sometimes, things just don’t work out between two people. Like two puzzle pieces that almost fit, but not quite.

Deleted user

True, but love doesn’t last forever. It can, but it usually doesn’t. If someone wants to move on, and find something new, that’s up to them.

Deleted user

Only if love is a feeling. Which I do not believe.

What do you define it as then?


You can't only ever put someone else before yourself, man. Your own needs and happiness are just as important. There's a balance you need, the right mix of giving and taking. Some days one person might need to take more, and their partner should understand and be willing to give more love, while other days, it'll be the other way around. A relationship isn't about putting your partner ahead of you at all times, it's about understanding each other and being willing cooperate.