forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

I have an f becuase I wasn't at school for 3 quizes and a test

Deleted user

I had one F my entire school life. And that was only because I was already fluent in spanish so I never did anything in my AP spanish 4 class. lol

But then my teacher figured it out that I was fluent and raised my grade to an A and let me sleep in class the rest of the year


Y'all keep bitching about B's but I have like a full streak of F's to raise before school ends in two months

yeah well unfortunately i'm one of those people and a B to me is a failure because i'm an overachiever

Deleted user

Yea I can relate honestly.

I am intensely proud of a C average in one of my classes.

Deleted user

eyyyyyyy uhhh iā€™m missing a whole week of school rn and i am panicking every second :)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ok, so we had a few topics:

Is murder always wrong? (I was neutral)
Adultery is bad no matter what.
There is such a thing as a perfect family

It is always wrong, but it can be understandable and make sense.
I don't know about that. Explain.

@HighPockets group

  1. It depends on the circumstance. I think it is wrong, but it's less wrong in different circumstances. For example, serial killing is much worse than accidentally killing someone in self-defense.
  2. Again, circumstance. It depends on the healthiness of the relationship they're in.
  3. There's no such thing as a perfect family, every family has problems even if they aren't visible.


ive got like 2 As 2 Bs and one C, which is annoying to me because I used to get straight As no problem and now I'm struggling to keep the grades I do have.


  1. Yes it is always wrong, although some cases make more sense than others.
  2. Pretty much the same thing for murder, accept I can sympathize with some adulterers a bit more, but still very wrong.
  3. No, people are imperfect and are going to mistakes. In order to have a perfect family, ya gotta have perfect people.

Deleted user

  1. It depends on the circumstance. I think it is wrong, but it's less wrong in different circumstances. For example, serial killing is much worse than accidentally killing someone in self-defense.
  2. Again, circumstance. It depends on the healthiness of the relationship they're in.
  3. There's no such thing as a perfect family, every family has problems even if they aren't visible.

I agree with Jynnie.

Although to add onto #2 - I think it's different once you are married. Dating shouldn't be exclusive until specified or completely serious. Otherwise I think that dating multiple people at once is not a bad thing.
Families are perfect in their imperfections. My family is super dysfunctional, but I think it's perfect. I wouldn't ask for it any other way.

@HighPockets group

  1. It depends on the circumstance. I think it is wrong, but it's less wrong in different circumstances. For example, serial killing is much worse than accidentally killing someone in self-defense.
  2. Again, circumstance. It depends on the healthiness of the relationship they're in.
  3. There's no such thing as a perfect family, every family has problems even if they aren't visible.

I agree with Jynnie.

Although to add onto #2 - I think it's different once you are married. Dating shouldn't be exclusive until specified or completely serious. Otherwise I think that dating multiple people at once is not a bad thing.
Families are perfect in their imperfections. My family is super dysfunctional, but I think it's perfect. I wouldn't ask for it any other way.

Agreed, I also think that if a person is stuck in a toxic relationship and chooses to sleep with someone else it's not as bad as someone in a healthy relationship cheating because they see someone who's really hot.


The marriage vows are sacred, but part of entering that contract is loving each other. Quite a few cases of cheating are because of a lack of love, or because of abuse of varying kinds. They're looking for what they thought they were getting at first, leading to looking in ways that violate that contract.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

True. But it's also a binding contract for better or worse. Also love is not a feeling, it's hard work (sometimes not) that must be done always to keep a relationship afloat. So it is not a good enough excuse.